Chapter 7 - The Files

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"What about you? What made you want to become a hero?" I conversated, stealthily looking around the room for my 'friends'. But my eyes caught sight of Hawks slight pained expression before it changed by the time I fully looked at him. His signature smirk taking over. "For as long as I can remember, I've wanted to be a hero," he said. I took quick notice of how he bypassed the question. I narrowed my eyes at him internally, what are you hiding behind those golden beauties... I chuckled lightly, "Hmph," I muttered, taking a sip of my drink. I was maintaining my uninterested persona by not asking any further questions. "Tell me about yourself, I'd like to know what's behind those enchanting eyes," he said, leaning forward on the bar towards me. I scoffed, "What's there to know. I'm boring, I promise." He raised his eyebrows, clearly still intrigued. 

Shadow: We need to find out more about him but he has walls built around his personality... this is going to be hard... we're gonna have to do this the solitary way. Talking to him isn't going to get what we need with the little time we have.

Yeah. You're right, I just don't like how little time we have... 

"I doubt that, there must be something with the way you hold yourself..." He continued, taking a sip of his drink. I gently picked the strawberry off the rim of my drink while looking at him, "And what way is that?" I asked, my tongue rolling the words off my lips like butter as I took a bite of the strawberry. I could see him blush and adjust his position, his wings fluttering. I laughed internally, he's easier than I thought. "Hmm, confident, caring..." "Caring? Pfft," I mumbled as he continued. "Mysterious... adventurous...". I blushed, he got all of that with just a small conversation...?  "You're easy to read," he stated. I looked at him in confusion, "I could say the same about you, ya know," I said. He narrowed his eyes at me but the smirk on his face didn't falter, "Really? How so?". I smiled at him, "Even though you deny it, I can tell your play-boy attitude is just an act... you act confident and cocky on the outside... but on the inside... you're insecure and lonely... there's a depth in your eyes that I haven't seen in anyone else besides myself before. ... It's quite... irritating." I knew I hit the target right on the spot when he blushed and his smirk faltered ever so slightly.

Thanks Shadow.

Shadow: Mmhmm. There's a sadness to him that's strong... there's something he strongly regrets but it's so hard to pick through his emotions to figure out what it is... 

Yeah, I noticed that too. 

Shadow: Maybe... loss? Death of someone he cared about? Toxic relationship? A wrong decision? A sorrow filled event? I can't tell...

I knew it was something like that but wow... We need to find some files or something on him. 

Shadow: Looks like we have an agency to raid. 


"H-how d-did you-?" he cut off, his eyes slightly wide with shock. I chuckled lightheartedly, looking at the cherries gathered at the bottom of my drink, stirring them around with the toothpick. "You could say... it's my Quirk but not really. I'm not a mind-reader or anything like that..." I faded off, not wanting to explain my Quirk. "T-then how?" he looked at his drink in desperate frustration. I smiled and wanted so bad to comfort him, but my fear of people kept me from doing so. "I-I don't know how to explain it... I just feel like I know you... but I don't recognize you..." I admitted. He looked up to my eyes, both of us staring into the others in desperation to remember. Neither one could though. I distracted myself by taking a sip from my drink when my eyes caught sight of a large group of adults walking through the door. A spark of blonde and green hair exposed that my group of 'friends' were here. Only a few minutes later, did I hear, "Dove! Over here!" I turned behind me to see Chako waving at me, while Deku sat a few seats from her doing the same. I chuckled as several people looked at the encounter across the club. "Well, duty calls, nice to meet you Hawks," but right before I left to go to my friends, drink in hand I added, "It's good to know that you're not just a legend."

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