Chapter 25 - Vistors From the Past

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"Psst.. Kei...! Wake up!" I whispered in Keigo's ear. Immediately, his eyes flew open and he jumped up. "K-kid?!" He exclaimed quietly, surprisingly. I stood up straight and bowed like I was addressing a king. "Alive and standing... surprisingly," I chuckled nervously and gave him a small smile. He got up and wrapped his arms around me as I did the same. Immediately, I felt the instinct to cry as my hands placed on his empty back. "I'm so sorry Kei... I can only imagine," I whispered, holding him tightly. He sniffed and just buried his face in my curls. I wrapped my wings around him fully, this time, I didn't have to avoid his wings. Which made me sad, but now I could cover him like a shield. I slowly rubbed along his spine, right between his scars. Hoping this small procedure could lighten his depressed mood. "It's okay, we'll fix this. I promise," I encouraged as he gripped me tighter. I could only comfort him so much, I knew it was working somewhat. "Yeah," he sniffed as I rubbed. "Are you okay? Feeling weird or anything?" He asked, worriedly. I smiled and let go of the hug as he pulled back. "Always a brother first, huh? Yeah. I'm okay. My head hurts a little but other than that I feel fine," in a much quieter voice I asked, "Do they know...?". He shook his head, knowing what I meant instantly. "Thank you," I sighed quietly. He nodded as the bedroom door opened. I smiled and turned towards Izu who walked out. I gave him a smile and waved lightly. He instantly smiled and raced over, enveloping me in a hug as fast as lightning. I chuckled lightly at his eagerness. "Geez. Miss me that much?" I teased. He blushed, "Of course! I was worried about you." "I'm fine. I'm okay. There's no need to worry," I assured him with a smile. "But... I feel like getting out today. Maybe go for a walk or something. Keigo can go out in his new 'appearance', so that way he can get out too," I suggested giving them both a smile. Izu nodded enthusiastically, "That sounds like a great idea! Actually I think we could go on a hike, that way Kacchan will want to come too!" He said, a huge smile on his face. I nodded just as a door opened and shut, and a sleepy voice spoke, "Want to go where?". I smiled and looked behind Izu as he turned around to see a sleepy Kacchan rubbing his face. "Kacchan! Wanna go on a hike with us? We could show them our old training grounds," Izu said, earning an excited gasp from me. Kacchan tried hard to hide the small smile that appeared on his face when our eyes met. "Y-yeah, whatever nerd," he stuttered, his cheeks turning a light pink. I looked at Keigo and he just gave a small smile back. I knew what he was thinking about and instantly I turned around and gave him a hug. "Don't worry, I'll take you for a fly when we get there," I made eye contact with him and gave him a big smile. He smiled, a little bit wider, and I knew that was the best I was going to get for now.

We have to fix this Shadow... I can't stand him being sad...

Shadow: I know, I can't either...

We started our walk in a forest by UA High School. The school they went to. Keigo's mood seemed a little bit brighter now that we were outside. Although I could feel the sadness wafting off of him through my wings. I hid them to make him feel just a little bit better. Their absence was instantly noticed by all of them due to their brightness. "Why'd you put them away?" Izu asked, innocently. I smiled at him, "They were getting heavy," I lied lightly. He nodded in understanding, but my action didn't go unnoticed by Keigo. He sent a sad but grateful smile which I just grabbed his hand and bumped his shoulder. "You'd do the same," I whispered to him with a full smile. He nodded and looked away. Again, I was filled with sadness. I had to fix this. I had to get him his Quirk back. "Hey nerd, why don't you and Kaori race to the training spot. I'm curious to see which one of you would win," Kacchan suggested, a sly smirk on his face. Keigo raised his eyebrows in wonder, a small smile making its way to his face. I could see the curiosity in his eyes, his curiosity to know which one of us would win. Instantly, I was willing to do it. To brighten Keigo's mood, I'd do anything. "I d-don't know Kacchan, I don't want to f-force her to fly," Izu said, his voice weary. I smirked and unhid my wings. "What? Are you too scared you'll lose, Deku?" I smirked, teasing him was fun. The tips of his ears turned red and his face was set in determination. I smiled and winked at Keigo, both of us knew the speeds we could reach. "Not a chance," Izu declared, green electricity covered his body. Katsuki smirked, "Start here then," he stopped us from walking and dragged his foot along the trail to create a starting line. "The training ground is a large clearing with lots of trees surrounding it. The first one there wins. Also, no cheating," Katsuki announced, giving us both a glare before smirking. "In your dreams! Ready to lose, Deku?" I teased, flexing my wings to stretch them out. He scoffed and shook his head, "Get ready to eat my dust, puppy~" he cooed. I blushed but didn't let it phase me. "On your mark. Get set. Go!" Katsuki yelled. Instantly, Izu took off through the trees and I took to the air in seconds. Due to my eyesight, I was able to keep up with where he was on the ground and he could see me in the sky. My eyes narrowed in on a clearing a few yards away. I smiled as I saw Izu get ahead. In fact, I let him lead the pack. But at the last second, I flew my fastest speed and got there first a minute before he did. He stopped running right in front of me and bent over with his hands on his knees as he tried to breathe. I simply flexed my wings and stretched them out to their fullest length before pulling them into a close position. I smirked at him as he looked up at me, "Told ya you'd lose." He smirked and stood up to his real height. He closed the distance between us in milliseconds. His lips were a centimeter away from mine so that I could feel his breath. I gasped just slightly at the sudden closeness but didn't drop eye contact with him. "Gotta say puppy~ you like it fast, huh?" He teased, the confidence wafting off him was enough to send me to my knees. But he caught me and pulled me to his chest, placing his lips on mine. I kissed back passionately, our kiss becoming needy and desperate. We pulled away only to breathe, leaving both of us gasping for breath but staying just a centimeter apart. "What can I say, a girl wants what she wants," I purred, letting my voice do the work. He blushed and was about to close the distance between us once again when an "Ahem" grabbed our attention. We didn't pull apart and instead just looked behind him to see Kacchan with his arms crossed and Keigo smirking. I chuckled lightly and winked at Deku, "Aww~ is Kacchan jealous~?" I cooed. Instantly earning two chuckles and one glare. I smirked at Kacchan, fluttering my wings in an enchanting way, instantly making him blush. "Woah! This place is cool!" Keigo's sudden comment grabbed all of our attention. We turned toward him and I saw what he meant. The clearing was huge but small at the same time. The trees surrounding it all seemed to be leaning inward towards the center of the clearing, almost like they were a wall keeping unwanted things out. I gasped and looked around, it looked like it hadn't been used in a long time. But despite that, you could tell the clearing was once used often. Very often. There were several stubs of trees that seemed burnt and black, which I knew to be Katsuki's doing. Then there were tons of wood broken into splinters and blocks which I knew to be Izuku's doing. "How long ago had it been since you've used this clearing?" I asked as Keigo and I took the chance to look around more. "Our last day of UA. Graduation day actually. Kacchan and I had our last high school spar here on that day. I don't know about him but I haven't been back here since," Izu explained as he moved towards what I inferred to be his section. He began to pick through the wood, earning my interest instantly. "I haven't come back since then either," Katsuki said as he moved towards the black stubs of trees, earning Keigo's interest. I smiled, at the thought of having a normal childhood and attending school. Of having childhood friends and secret training spots. Memories of my childhood with the Creed were nothing like what Izu and Kacchan described.

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