+Chapter Three +

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It was finally the next morning, Phoenix woke up at the early rise of the sun. She hadn't slept much. She never sleeps anyway. Phoenix had been planning out where to look and visit to ask questions. She was terrified to ask but it would all be worth every look and stare.. hopefully, they forgot what I did... ¨ It's so early Phoenix, are you sure you want to start your search now? I don't want you coming back exhausted and sleep-deprived. When you're determined about something, you don't stop doing that thing. Even if you have to make self-sacrifices..¨ a yawning Azure said.

Phoenix shook her head. ¨ Yes- I'm determined to search as early as possible. I've lost seven moons worth of searching, but thanks for thinking about me mom. ¨ Phoenix said straight-forwardly. Azure smiled. Phoenix had still called her mom, even after telling her that she wasn't her biological mother. She kept that close to her heart. ¨ Okay.. just please come home to me if you find anything..or anyone. Please.¨ The older she-cat pleaded. Phoenix was now out of their cave and on the damp grass.

Azure walked out of the cave with her, the sun now rising beside them. ¨ Of course. If I don't come back in seven sunrises, come look for me." Azure nodded ¨ Seven, Phoenix. ¨The cream-colored she-cat touched her nose to the russet-tailed she-cat. Azure took this moment in, she had never gone so many days without seeing Phoenix's smiling face. It would be tough, hunting and eating all alone, but she had faith in Phoenix's return.

Phoenix set off for her search, terrified but determined. She had no idea what was ahead of her or what to expect. With a wave of her tail, the striped cat padded off into the forest. Azure once more was glossy-eyed.  She bowed her head and meowed ¨May Starclan light your path.¨


+I apologize for the short chapter, I didn't want to add too many unnecessary details just to make it longer+                                                

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