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Chapter 3

I lay there, staring up at the ceiling. "What just happened ?" I thought. I turn on my side, facing my mother and sister. My sister is 3. " Mama, mama " Cia calls out. " Yes darling ? " my mother responds. She didn't respond, she was fast asleep. My mother sighs, rocking her leg back and forth. " I don't know what happened, Elmara, but we'll soon figure out .. " she says. Then, there was silence. " Mom .. " I said, finally breaking the silence. " Yes ? " she says , "I don't feel well .. " I say. " I'll call Nurse Beilfire " she says. Then all of a sudden I feel horrific pain and I hear the sound of a " Pop ! ", then I start to cry. My mother sits Cia down in a chair and rushes over to me. "Darling, are you ok-" she was cut off. I sat up quickly and started throwing up blood. My mother started screaming and pressing the red " HELP " button. Nurses and doctors started rushing in and then I hear Cia start to cry and tries to yell my name and instead she says " Ellie ! Ellie ! " Then I heard my mother scream my name. It's the last thing I heard before my vision went blurry and I - I just, blacked out.

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