Chapter 1

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(Lili's POV)

I stare into her pale blue eyes, watching them slowly change color.

I need to clean up. I made a complete mess... I cant blame myself, its only my first time doing this and it was amazing.

I turn around and walk out of the bedroom. I head down the hallway towards the cleaning closet. I open it, and grab what i need. I turn towards her bathroom. I fill the large bucket with soapy water. I hope this might do the trick.
I head back towards the room. I look around and stare at my masterpiece. Blood is everywhere. I smile and grab her body. I slowly drag her body to the bathroom. I lift her body gently into her shower. It doesn't matter how i treat her now. She's dead.

I scrub the floors and walls trying to get rid of all evidence that i was here. Its working, not very well though. As long as i get my finger prints. 

I'm all finished, and I am very proud of myself. I look around to make sure everything was in place. I almost leave and then i remember the most important thing to end my lovely murder. The letter.


I walk out of their house smiling widely. She deserved everything she got, well in her case...that was death. 


(Police Officers POV)

Sirens and talking officers fill the empty silence in the air.

"Officer ******, we found a dead body in the bathroom. The victim seemed to be stabbed to death Sir"  The talkie sounds.

"Yes, thank you. We'll get paramedics to look over the dead body".

I walk into the house and up towards the bedrooms bathroom. There lays the dead body of a young teenage girl, of the age of 16. I stare wide eyed at the dead body. What type of person would do this? Stab and murder a young girl like this. 

I step out of the bathroom. Faint blood stains cover the walls and floors, who ever killed her tried to make an attempt of cleaning up but didn't do very well. I search around the bedroom for something, either the murder weapon or a strand of hair, anything could and would help us find the killer. I search the whole bedroom and bathroom but i couldn't find anything. I walk downstairs and tell our leader I'm out for a break. He agrees and i walk out the door.

I take a deep breath and sigh. Nothing. I found nothing. I look down to the ground. This teenager lives by herself is a 3 bedroom house. I don't see the point in living in a 2 story house by yourself. 

She has a bright yellow door mat that says "You Are My Sunshine" with a sunflower on the side. The sunflower looks off. I look closely at the sunflower, it has a huge slit  down the middle of it. I sigh and bend down to look at it. I run my fingers over the slit and i reach inside. I pull out a strange piece of notebook paper. I open it up. At the top it reads, "Murder Number 1, His girlfriends death".

"Murder Number 1, His girlfriends death:

Dear you, whoever you are. If your reading this you might have found or heard of a dead body in this house...if you didn't well SUPRISE SUPRISE!! That dead body is my lovely Lewis's girlfriend, or should i say ex-girlfriend. How could you date someone if they're dead.

You might have guessed this already that the person who wrote this letter had killed the girl. Your RIGHT!! And I'm going to keep this letter plain and short... Nobody is going to get in the way of Lewis and I. And if someone does, its going to be their life on the line.

I stabbed her 14 times, all with the same knife...Why? because she was taking Lewis away from me. She was taking my dear future husband away from me. I wasn't going take the chance and let her take him away. I had to make a move...i had to do something before it was too late. I dragged her towards the bathroom, i scrubbed down the walls. I tried to make an effort. I hope he isn't mad at me...but..

Your simply never going to find out who i am... I just want you to be careful. 

This is the end of my first letter and i hope i said what i needed to say, be careful and look out for anymore of these letters (its my mark). Killing her was fun and it was great to write this short letter.

love, Lewis's future fiancé <3 "

"HOLY SHIT" This psychopath left a fucking letter. I rose up and ran inside the house. "GUYS GUYS, I found a letter... THE MURDERER LEFT IT!!!"  

The leader of this case store at me. "The murderer left what Officer?"

"He- or she left a letter. Inside of the door matt. This is the only clue we had found Sir." i stood there blinking crazy at him. This psychopath  left a letter, this must be their mark... she or he said it was their first time killing... "Should we investigate this and keep it?"

"Yes, you dumbass. We should keep it just incase we find another. All officers should be aware and see if there are any more death notes."

I agree and put the note into a plastic bag. I'm confused, very confused. He or she is obsessed with his man named Lewis...this girls boyfriend.. I should question him first to see if he's close to any other young girl around his age. We can start their.

Finally i found a valuable clue to this murder... Maybe we could find the killer and arrest them. 

I smile and walk out of the house, glad we- no I found our first clue. I'm finally proud of myself.


Heyy Readers! Hows my first chapter? Exciting right? im really proud of this. if you can, please leave any good suggestions to what i should change or what you might want to here in the story next. I will be reading every comment and i will follow whoever favorites my story. Thank you for reading this and i hoped you liked it!!! Byeee

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2021 ⏰

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