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There he was, staring at me, again.

His grey eyes resting on mine.

His platinum blonde hair sitting perfectly over his face.

I snap out of my thought, turning my attention back towards professor Snape, yet not paying attention to the words falling out his mouth.

Why was Draco Malfoy staring at me?

I try not to think to much of it, it was nothing, nothing at all.

After hours, i finally had time to think, to run through thoughts passing my mind like a train.

~Flash backs~

"Harry will you stop talking i'm trying to enjoy the sunrise."

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry. But i'm bored can we play a game"

"Can you not be quiet for two minutes?"

I sat there on a huge, bright field, filled with hundreds of flowers cascading the grass, laughing with my best friend.

Although it wouldn't be any longer then around twenty minutes, it always felt like we would sit there talking for hours.

I miss those times, I miss my best friend.

I then regain my focus, turning my head to the nearest clock that caught my eye. Great it had just turned eleven.

Before leaving the library, I turn my head looking down every hallway checking for any perfects.

When i realised the only person in the hallway was me, a sigh of relief escaped my lips.

I finally reach the door of the Slytherin common room, "Pureblood," i say so quite it was hardly a whisper.

As i slowly step into the common room, I froze, i couldn't move.

Every muscle inside me fighting for control.

"Hello darling, care to tell me where you've been?"

I stayed quite, why couldn't i speak? Why couldn't i move?

"You know, it's rude to not answer someone when they ask you a question." He said walking closer and and closer towards me.

I finally pull myself together, "And why does it concern you, Malfoy?" I stutter slightly, trying to walk away from this awkward situation, i try to slip past him.

"Not so fast Princess." He said, blocking my way past with his arm.

"Let me go." I demanded, I wasn't going to let him take control over me, like he does to every other girl in this school.

"I don't take orders from you." He replied, with a slightly louder, angrier tone.

I said nothing. The only sound was the noise of the fire wood, slowly burning in the fire place.

My eyes never dared to try move away from the fireplace, knowing that if they did, my eyes would meet with his.

After minutes, i finally managed to get myself to my dorm, I didn't understand, Draco has never talked to me before, yet even laid eyes on me.

so why all of a sudden has he noticed me?

Promise Me; D.MWhere stories live. Discover now