(3) Fixing "No Guts, No Glori"

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Now, Before We move on with the primary Fix of the Episode let's Give you a Quick Fix on Two Episodes.

"Making The Case"

Me: Wait, Lincoln, Let me ask You something... You are good at Art, Right?

Lincoln: Yeah...

Me: And You Love Ace Savvy?

Lincoln: I think I know how to make the Case! Thanks, Joshua!

Me: No Prob.

*I Knock on each of the sister's doors and tell them to support Lincoln as He Tries to Draw his best for an Art competition, If they get in the way of this they will be on my Revenge List, They Immediately Agreed to Support him*

*4 Days Later, He Made it With A Gold Medal, He decided he is Gonna Put that On the Case, Not on Lynn's Trophies, Cuz' You know where those have been.*

"The Sweet Spot"

Me: Girls, If you help me clean and make Vanzilla Better on the Inside then You all can have your Own Sweet Spot. Leni, Sew! Lola, Clean the Dirty Spots! Lana, Give Me an Engine Check, and I Will Check the back and make sure it is not clogged.

*5 Hours Later*

*Everyone Was Sleepy, They All Fell Asleep, So I Carried Them To bed, Yes, All Three of them At Once*

Me: Linc, We got Vanzilla Cleaned up, That means EVERYBODY gets their own sweet Spot, You got me? We need to share.

Lincoln: Got it, Thanks.


Me: No Guts, No Glori. The First Episode for the viewers to see Lori Looking over the Siblings while the parents are gone.

Rita: What's The Plan?

Me: I really don't wanna call you Useless for this one, But all i need you to Do is Stay In Camo Mode and Stay Unde... Wait, Rita, I actually got a plan. When the Siblings Rise against Lori, They are gonna Need someone better than her to watch them. Fortunately, Lincoln Knows me. So, I think we got this nailed down, Here we go. *Walks through the portal, 4 Minutes into the Episode*

*Geo rolls over, opens his ball, gets the treat, and gets the twins' attention; Lincoln does this with his other sisters; the note tells them to meet in Lincoln's room and they sneak over to Lincoln's room; I Turn myself invisible Luan has camouflaged herself with the wall and sneaks in; Leni is the only one who still hasn't snuck out of her room since she's with Lori at the moment; she begins to sneak off while wearing a scarf.*

Lori: (suspicious) "Leni, what are you doing?"

Leni: "I'm not Leni. I'm wearing a scarf."

Lori: [not fooled one bit] "You've got five minutes to do your business."

*Leni goes out and sneaks over to Lincoln's room to join the others for a big meeting.*

Lola: This better be good. You know how much trouble we'll be in if Lori finds out we're not in our rooms?

Lincoln: Rooms? More like prison cells! Every time Lori's left in charge, she makes our lives miserable. I know a certain someone that can take her down. Girls, Say Hello, To Joshua.

*I Come Out of Invisibility, Right behind Lincoln, Scaring the Sisters Quietly*

Me: Hello Girls... pleasure to meet you on the right foot this time. I realize you are been having a trouble with Lori keeping an eye on you at night, she bosses you around but yet she talks to her "Boo-Boo Bear" on the phone, that is not what the eldest right.

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