Chapter 14

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^^^ The blonde is Daniel the brunette is Luke^^^

I entered the bar and saw the scrawny boy I saw like a brother once cleaning glasses behind the bar, "well hello there gorgeous." He spun, jaw dropping when he saw me, "Stella b-but I thought w-we haven't seen w-what uh what are you doing here?" I gave him a smile, "do you still need live entertainment Daniel?" He nodded, "I will work every night for fifty dollars plus whatever tips I get if you hire me." He scoffed, "do you have any kind of knowledge in music?" I nodded and motioned to the stage, "wanna hear?"

He nodded, "might as well if I'm gonna hire you." I sat at the piano and ran my fingers over the keys for a moment before beginning to play, "I'm ready to go, I'm ready to go can't do it alone, can't do it alone." I looked up and he seemed semi impressed, "I'm ready to run through the heat of the sun, can't do it alone, can't do it alone." I closed my eyes allowing myself to get lost inside the music, "I'm ready to fall so tired of it all down deep in a hole can't do it alone I'm ready to climb this mountain inside impossible heights."

I fought back tears as the memories flowed through me connected to the song, "Said you'd always be my white blood, circulate the right love giving me your white blood." I cleared my throat stopping, "will that do?" Daniel snapped out of his daze, "yeah yeah that will definitely work thank you." I nodded, "what time should I arrive." He thought about it for a moment, "about seven that's when people usually began to show up around this joint." I nodded, "seven it is see ya in four-ish hours."

I exited the bar climing into the impala and heading in the direction of the house it took no longer than ten minutes arrive in front of the house. I stared at the house beginning to doubt if I had the courage to enter the house after abadoning it for so long after. I got out of the car and that was a big step then I slowly began to walk up the stone pathway, "Stella?" I jumped at the sound of Luke's voice, "hey Luke it's been a while hasn't it." he nodded, "want to come inside and catch up a bit?"

I sawllowed thickly, "yeah that sounds nice." I followed him into his house, "scotch, wine, coffee?" I shook my head, "just regular water please." he looked at me funny, "you got sober?" I nodded, "yeah I did." he smiled, "good I hated seeing you go down that path." I cleared my throat, "there's another reason that I'm rejecting those." I placed my hand upon my stomach, "Luke I'm pregnant." his eyes widened, "but I thought you didn't want to be a mother." I nodded, "I didn't but then I met this really sweet guy."

I stopped, "I'm a different person than the one that you once knew a lot has happened since I left a year ago." he sat on the couch, "wow I never thought you would change." I chuckled, "yeah I know it's been a long time coming because if I continued down that path I would've been dead a long time ago." I saw the conflict flash across his face, "but you liked that version of me." he shrugged, "you seemed happier that way maybe it was the alcohol or maybe it was the coke but you never looked unhappy."

I closed my eyes, "if you want to catch up that's fine but can we please avoid talking about that past it's kind of why I'm back in town." he seemed confused, "what do you mean?" I sighed sitting across from him, "I need to make sure I have my priorities straightened because if I don't then I won't be able to take care of myself if I can't even take care of myself how am I supposed to take care of this baby?" he stared at the floor, "is the father still around?" I shrugged, "I don't know." he looked back at me, "how do you not know?"

I shook my head, "I betrayed a lot of people trying to keep them safe but I don't think they understand that all they feel is betrayed and I can understand because if I was in their shoes I'd feel completely betrayed as well." he nodded acting as though he could understand what I was going through, "anyway I got a job at Daniel's bar wanna do a duet for a old times sake I'll give you have of what I earn for it." he pondered, "one last time for old times sake why not." he smiled, "I miss you Stella Stilinski." I smiled nodding, "I have missed you as well Luke Falcon."

That contagious smile of his made it seem like there was nothing wrong even if it was only for a shot while. We talke for what seemed like hours and there was a lot that I had missed, "you got signed to a recor label?" he nodded, "I did." then he smiled, "I also have a girl friend." my eyes widened, "is it that girl you never stopped talking about that you met in New York." he giggled, "maybe." I smacked his shoulder.

"I'm so happy for you Luke maybe one day I'll be a god mother." I wiggled my eyebrows making him chuckle, "maybe one day." I checked my watch and cursed, "I need to get ready I need to be at the bar in like twenty mintues." I grabbed my bag, "do you mind if I get ready in your bathroom?" he shook his head and I was glad I showered last night so I didn't have to worry about my hair and just make up and clothing, "wear that red shirt, leather jacket and those black jeans with the combat boots." he nodded, "yes mom." I narrowed my eyes him making him laugh.

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