Animal I've Become

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    We all rode quietly in the chopper. I went over what the mission was in my head. We were gonna be landing down on a secure government base. The base contains information that reveals a weakness in the government. My job is to escort Rose to the computer room. Once we got the information, we needed to destroy the base. No evidence. I was ripped away from my thoughts as a clinking noise exploded right in front of me. I looked forward and saw sparks flying from the side of the chopper. The sound of metal clinking together rattled my ear drums. I glanced out the chopper to see the base below us. I grabbed the straps of my parachute and took a deep breath as I glared down at the base. I jumped. The wind beat against my helmet as the base came closer and closer. The bullets ricocheted off my kevlar suit. I pulled the shoute and watched as men flooded the outside of the base. My heart dropped as a man pulled out an RPG. My training rushed through me, blocking every other emotion out. I slipped out of my parachute and shot towards the ground. The ground came closer and closer until my feet slammed onto the surface. I slammed my hand down and sent a shockwave of fire across the ground, turning everyone around me to ash in an instant. The others landed behind me, quickly taking off their parachutes. I grabbed Rose and ordered her to lead me towards the control room. As we ran across the field, I glanced back at the others. My eyes caught onto Andrei. He was fighting the soldiers around him, sending them flying through the air with his powers. My heart stopped as I looked forward to see a man charging at Rose and I, his gun raised. I grabbed Rose's shoulder and flung her behind me. I slammed my hand into his throat. He didn't even have time to gag before I kicked his legs out from under him and lodged a knife into his chest. Two men rushed out of a door in front of us. The bullets felt like nothing more than a tickle as they banged into my bulletproof suit. I took long strides over to them, smirking as they trembled with fear. I reached out and snatched the rifle out of the man's hand, sending it flying into the other's chest. I grabbed the rifle again and shot at every soldier that came rushing at me. The bullets buried into the center of their foreheads everytime. I never missed. I tossed the gun as I shot the last man. We bolted deeper into the base, running through the halls until we made it to the control room. The door was barricaded shut. Rose nodded to the door.
"Wanna help me out?" she asked. I placed my hand against the door and took a deep breath. The fire rushed through my veins, collecting into a tight ball in my palms. I cocked my arm back and slammed my hand into the door. The door exploded, flying back as fire filled the room. The sprinklers burst to life as Rose rushed in. I stood in the hallway. Three men came rushing towards me, their guns held high. I charged towards them. The man swung his rifle. I caught it and slammed my head into his. The man fell to my side unconscious. The second man latched onto my shoulder and wrapped his arm around my throat. I flipped around, using the wall to run on it and flip behind him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and twisted. I could feel his neck snap in half. The third man stood back and continued to shoot at me. I charged towards him and leaped into the air. I slammed both my feet into his chest, sending him flying through the air. My back slammed against the floor. I pushed myself up and froze, staring at the other end of the hallway as a monstrous man came walking towards me. He was as wide as he was tall. He had to be at least three hundred pounds and five times my size. There I was, 4'10 me going up against a 6'6 man, but I wasn't afraid. Not in the slightest. The man smirked.
"Time to put a child in it's place," he snarled.
He whipped out a baton and charged towards me. I blocked his arm and slammed my foot into his chest. He slid back only a couple of feet. His eyes narrowed into slits. He grunted as he swung. I reeled my left shoulder back, dodging his blow. I latched onto his wrist and tore the baton out of his hand. I tossed it behind me. The air was yanked out of my lungs as he unexpectedly slammed his fist into my chest. I took in a deep breath, trying to catch the air before it fled my lungs. The back of his hand slammed into my head, knocking my helmet clean off. His foot slammed into my chest. I flew and landed hard on my back. I rolled onto my hands and knees, staring up at him as my curly hair hung over my eyes. A smirk spread across his face. A smile spread across my face as well. He had no idea what kind of monster he had just woken up. My center sprawled with heat. I opened my mouth and let the black smoke billow out. The color drained from his face, his smirk immediately disappearing. My cheeks burned and my eyes glowed as I let the fire build inside me. The fire rushed through my veins. I could feel the steam rise off my body.  I opened my mouth and forced the fire out. The hallway was engulfed in flames. The rushing of the fire blocked out his scream. The heat melted my organs and twisted my heart. I slammed my mouth shut and pushed myself up. The man's body laid on the ground, burnt to a crisp.
"Danielle!" Rose yelled. I whipped around to see her holding up the flash drive. She shoved it in her pocket and lead the way out. As we rounded the corner, the butt of a gun slammed into Rose's nose. I latched onto the butt of the rifle and pulled the trigger, watching as the man fell lifeless in front of me. I grabbed Rose and pushed her forward. We rushed out of the door. I was met with screams and fire as I ran outside the base. I glanced around. Embers fell from the sky as the base burned. Huge orange flames billowed from the control room.  I looked forward as the helicopter waited in the field. The others were already in the chopper, frantically waving us over. Rose had leaped into the chopper. I charged towards the chopper, my heart racing as I got closer and closer. My heart sank to my feet as fingers curled around the back of my suit. My body was yanked back. I landed hard on my side. I winced in pain and shot up, ready to fight once more. My blood ran cold as I stared into the eyes of a huge, herculean man. My heart completely stopped as he towered over me, the embers hovered in between us. I didn't move a single muscle as the man stood between me and the helicopter. I wanted to scream as his muscular arm hurled towards me. I lifted my hand putting a thin wall of fire in between us. His arm reached right through. I dogged but not enough for his arm to miss me. His crushing grip wrapped around my shoulder. He yanked me towards him. Fire rushed to my palm as I sent it towards his face. He raised his other arm, blocking my blow. I kicked him hard in the chin and did a back handspring, kicking up fire as I flipped. He raised his arms as the fire attached to his leather jacket. Seeing he was distracted, I charged towards him and slid right through his legs. I bolted towards the chopper as it took off. I didn't dare to look back to see how close he was. I pushed fire out of my fists and feet and shot into the air. Andrei reached out and yanked me into the chopper. I landed on top of him, finally able to breathe.

You just took on Hurcules and survived!" he exclaimed. My mouth gaped open as I smiled. Reality hit me as I stared into Andrei's ocean eyes. I quickly pushed myself off of him. I was slow to get back into my seat. My mind was still trying to comprehend all of what I had just done. My eyes drew down to my arms. Crimson blood splattered my black suit. I did all of that. I glanced back over at the burning base. All those people...the anger had consumed me so much. I killed all those people...and I didn't even care. What kind of monster was I becoming?

   We all sat in the debriefing room. I crossed my arms and leaned back in my chair, trying my hardest not to look down at the dried blood on my arms. Johnson came in, smiling ear to ear. He extended his arms.
"You did it!" he exclaimed. "No other squad has finished an OP with that much efficiency and just pure...power!"
I cringed at those words. Power? I just murdered hundreds of people. I could tell myself that they weren't innocent or that they were working for the government but the truth is, a life is a life and I took so many. He gave us a thumbs up. "Great job! It worked out great too because a Squad from L.A was supposed to originally take this mission."
My eyes snapped to his, furrowing as I remembered the last message Sheng sent me. Johnson shrugged. "They dissapeared before they ever got there so—."
"Who was in the squad?" I interrupted. Johnson's smile twisted into a frown as his eyes caught mine.
"I'm...not allowed to discuss that," he mumbled.
"But you just did!"
I shoved myself up, ready to charge towards him but before I could even get far, Andrei stood and grabbed my shoulders, holding me back. I shoved him back.
"Don't touch me!"
My eyes snapped to Johnson again.
"Tell me who the fuck is in that squad!' I growled. He clenched his jaw, refusing to answer. My eyes swelled up with tears as his silence gave me the answer. I clenched my jaw. "Let me go after them!"
I was expecting him to say no but he didn't. He just stared at the ground, the wheels turning in his head. His eyes finally snapped up to mine.
"If I let you go...will you cooperate and do...whatever we ask?"
I knew right away how loaded of a question that was. Whatever they ask? I thought for a moment. Just agree to whatever he says, I told myself. Once you find Sheng and the others, don't come back. It's that simple. I finally nodded. His eyes darted between mine and the floor, a smile spreading across his face.
"The rest of you may leave...except for Rose, Andrei, and Danielle of course."
Jess and Ally got up and left. Johnson turned to the projector on the wall and turned it on. He scrolled through it until a satellite picture of some land came on the screen. He pointed to it.
"Their chopper went down here. Our intelligence tells us that this land is occupied by a tribe."
"What color?" Andrei asked. Johnson shrugged.
"Not sure...but it's without a doubt that they have our squad."
"Give me a map! I'm leaving now!" I ordered. Johnson nodded.
"Of course. But Andrei and Rose are going with you."
Anger shot through me like an unwanted chill. I scoffed.
"Excuse me? They're just gonna slow me down!"
Johnson sighed and rolled his eyes.
"Look, Danielle, to be completely frank, I just don't trust you to come back. They'll be there to make sure you do."
I clenched my fist and stormed out of the room before I blew that room to bits.

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