Tention sucks

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We hovered behind the tree line, staring out at the packed Walmart in front of us.
"So, how are we supposed to walk in there and get supplies?" Issac asked. "Not to be a pessimist, but this plan has a very, very high risk of failure."
Sebastian sighed.
"Look, you're overthinking it. Dan and I look the oldest, so we'll go in. No one is gonna think that two kids would just walk in a store. So...they'll automatically think we're college kids or something."
Issac sighed and shook his head.
"That's...very presumptuous," he grumbled. Seb sighed as he stood.
"Welp, we're not getting any closer to freedom by just standing here."
Seb's eyes flicked to mine. He motioned me to follow him. I glanced back at the others and shrugged. I wasn't fully on board with this plan either, but we really didn't have another choice. I pushed myself up and followed Sebastian. My heart raced against my rib cage as we walked out into the open, getting closer and closer towards the store. A thick lump the size of Texas formed in my throat as we walked into the parking lot. People's eyes widened as they stared at us. Their mouths gaped open. They even let out small gasps, but Seb was right. They didn't scream or duck for cover. They may have been rudely staring but they weren't calling the PSFs or anything.
"See," Seb mumbled. "Easy peasy."
I rolled my eyes as we walked into the store. I grabbed a cart and pulled out the list of supplies. I let out a small gasp as an arm wrapped around my shoulder.
"Man! That calculus test was hard! College sucks, am I right?"
My jaw practically dropped to the floor as I stared at Andrei, his blue eyes shimmering, that mischievous smirk plastered across his face as he glared at Sebastian.
"What are you doing here?" I growled through clenched teeth.
"Making sure you don't get yourself killed."
He snatched the list from my hands and skimmed over it. He chuckled and tossed it back to me.
"I'll grab the medical and cosmetics while Dan gets food. This way it won't look like we're kids gathering supplies. Sebastian, we don't need you for this part."
My chest tightened as he wrapped his arm around Seb and roughly yanked him in for one of those guy hugs.
"If we need a psycho freak to turn someone into a veggie, we'll call you."
Andrei let him go and walked off towards the cosmetics. Sebastian's face was hard, his jaw clenched, his eyes narrowed into slits. He looked like the one who was about to breathe fire.
"I'm...gonna go to the cereal aisle," I muttered. Despite Andrei's orders, Seb stayed glued by my side. I walked over to the cereal aisle and put a few boxes into the cart. Then, I walked over to the caned food aisle.
"So," Seb mumbled. "How long have you known your friend?"
I clenched my jaw and stared up at the last can of mixed vegetables that was all the way on the top shelf. I pushed myself onto my tippy toes and reached for the can, barley touching it with the tips of my fingers.
"He's...not my friend," I grumbled. Sebastian lightly pushed me aside and grabbed the can with ease, smirking as he handed it to me. I rolled my eyes and snatched it from him. Seb chuckled.
"Yeah, that's not what he thinks. How was that kiss, by the way? Is he better than me?"
My muscles clenched together, a lump the size of the moon choking me up. I swallowed hard, that lump burning as it slid down my throat.
"I am not doing this with you," I mumbled as I placed the can into the cart.
"He thought it was amazing. But I wanna know what you think. I still can't get past that wall of fire in your head."
"And you won't!" I snapped.
Sebastian shrugged.
"Fine. I guess I'll just let everyone know we're Psi kids then."
My eyes snapped towards him.
"You wouldn't!"
He raised a brow and turned towards an employee stocking the shelves.
"Excuse me, Sir?"
I latched onto his sleeve and yanked him towards me.
"It sucked, alright!" I hissed.
Seb waved the employee off and pointed towards a can of soup.
"Never mind. Got it."
I rubbed the bridge of my nose and shook my head.
"I really don't remember you being this immature!"
Sebastian shrugged, his face hardening.
"Why did it suck? Or was that just a lie?"
I scoffed and rolled my eyes.
"It sucked because he resembles you! I wanted to enjoy the kiss but I couldn't stop thinking about the fact that it wasn't you. I couldn't stop thinking about the fact that it wasn't you because you left me and everyone else to rot! Happy?"
I pushed the cart along, not looking back to see his reaction. We finished up the shopping quietly and made it back out towards the others waiting for us. Their eyes instantly snapped towards Andrei.
"Why is Goldilocks here?" Jasper sneered.
I rolled my eyes and tossed him a bag of supplies.
"Good question," I said. The others shrugged it off and started to shove some of the supplies into their backpacks. My eyes narrowed as I glanced around. I noticed that Rose wasn't here.
"Where is Rose?" I asked.
Andrei scoffed.
"Unlike you she actually follows orders! I told her to head back to camp."
My eyes narrowed. I could've complained about the fact that he made her go all by herself, but the hard truth was that I didn't really care. I caught myself trying to force myself to care, but I just couldn't.

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