{007} T-T-T-Trauma!

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Warnings: Cursing, Death/Murder, Abuse, and Trauma. Basically, this whole chapter is a rollercoaster of emotions.

Word Count: 5,000+


Cause I

Have to get stronger! And I'll do anything to achieve that!


Megumi just left the apartment of one of the victims that were killed in the Juvenile Center. The mother that was outside asking for her son, he could still remember her face and her pained cries. Watching her break down again seemed to be harder to watch than he thought, he felt guilty for everything that's happened; his argument with Itadori and his inevitable death, not being able to protect you, he didn't even know how you got so badly injured and he couldn't even ask you.

Walking down the steps leading to the walkway he begins his long journey back to the school, knowing the second-years wanted to start training as soon as possible. The blazing sun was beating down on his form as he walks in silence, his mind was deep in thought about all the events that have transpired.

Truth be told, you were all Megumi has left at the moment or well the only other important person in his life besides his sister, and yet she was cursed and in a coma, and here you are injured and in a coma. It's already been a few days and he expected you to bounce back into your old self almost like you weren't seriously injured a few days prior like you usually would but it seems that's not the case this time. Shoko wouldn't even let him visited your room which made his anxiety even worse, your condition must be severe if she wouldn't even let him see you.

I hope Y/n wakes up soon...I miss you.


"You're already above the rest when it comes to close combat Yuuji, so what you need to learn to do next is controlling cursed energy and we need to add to your basic knowledge of jujutsu," Gojo states looking over at the happy face of the young teen standing in front of him; Itadori Yuuji.

You three were currently in the basement of the school, per request from Gojo. It was rather nice down there and for some reason, it had a couch and TV but you chalked that up to being Gojo's doing. You simply stand silently next to Gojo as he begins to explain some very important things to Itadori that he needed to know.

After your little hugging moment with Itadori, Kiyotaka was the one that informed you two of Gojo's little plan. Apparently, he wanted to train Itadori up a bit before the Sister School Exchange Event and since you woke up at the right time, he asked if you'd help out and of course you agreed.

"What's wrong?"

"What's wrong?"

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