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Chapter Twenty Seven :


I was lying next to him while my head rested on his bare chest. He hugged me tightly and I could feel his kiss on the top of my head.

"Can I tell you something??" he whisper softly.


"We didn't did that last night" I smiled slightly and looked up at him.

"Isn't that matter now?" I barely hid my face with a blanket. Now feeling I am embarrassed..

"You'll bolder now huh?" I heard him chuckled.

"What are we now?"I peeked at him and looked him straight in the eye.

"Huh?" he little bit puzzled.

"Now after we--" but he cut me off.

"We're finally united" painted a smile on his lips.

"You are not going anywhere?" I sincerely asked him.

"Huh? Going anywhere? Why did I leave you?" I rolled my eyes and pushed him a little bit.

"Then what was just four years to you? Is that just some sort of time?" I wanted to face him back but he firmly hold my both arms and look intently on me.

"What? Did you just spend whole four years to realize that you still love me?" I blurted it out. And on the second thought.."I still always love you, Wonho" now he drop his face serious.

"But you fell in love with Minhyuk" I bit my lip for awhile. It was true but..

"Yeah, I hate to admitted it. I did love you both that time. But its always you" I try to explain my side. This been troubling me for a years.

"Its still unclear to me" he replied unsure.

"Then let me clear to you" I pressed my lips against his lips. Right after I break the kiss I look intently to his eyes.

"I never love Minhyuk the way I loved you. I hope it clears to you" I kiss quickly his nose tip.

But then I suddenly remembered.

"Uhm about Hyemin" now its my turn.

"What about her?" playing dumb again.

"Are you guys dating again?" I asked mandatory tone.

"Why are you keep asking me that?" I can sense how he was so irritated but I wanted answers too.

"Well you used to date her, its not impossible that you guys---" I was cut but this time his mouth used it to shut me up. It was a long one and we almost exchange breaths. But before I go deepen he push me a little bit and our lips now apart.

"You're too talkative. You deserve a punishment" now his eyes on me like he want me to eat alive. I shake my head while let a giggle cause he dive in my neck and planted kisses on it.

"No. Not more round please" I beg as I almost scream.

"As you say so--" he whisper that made me tickle more. He was about to make a move when we stopped suddenly when my phone rang on the side table. "Wait. Ill take that call" I awkwardly left his side and sat on the side of the bed and reached for it. I was looking at my cellphone when I saw Kihyun calling. I wonder why he is calling at this time

"Hel---" I wasn't even greeted him.

"Where the hell are you???" he almost yell on me in the other line.

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