Episode 18

238 35 8

I am an idiot who forgot to update, anxiety is getting too much for me. I need someone to remind me to update please 🥺❤️

Gauri's POV:

"The boys in Germany are so cute!"

Prinku squealed in excitement. After dinner, Prinku called me and now we were talking, laughing about random things and now Prinku has changed the conversation into a conversation about boys.

Me: Prinku, my mad girl, French boys are cuter.

Prinku: no they're not. French boys just look old. German boys however....they are boyfriend material.

Me: if you insist but don't you like that French actor Nicolas Cazalé?

Prinku: oh him, well he looks nice in his movies.

I rolled my eyes smiling at her.

Prinku: so has anyone in school caught your eye, asked you out except Vikram?

I bit my lip for a minute. It was too early to tell her that me and Om were dating. I guess I had to lie to my best friend. It was only for now.

Me: no, only that stupid Vikram asked me out and he tried to make a move on me at that party I told you about.

Prinku: urgh it was a good thing my brother was there to sort Vikram out.

Yeah so just to clarify everything, I did tell Prinku that Om sorted Vikram out but I didn't mention what happened after me and Om left the party for reasons you all know. She did not need to know that I kissed her older brother, well her older brother kissed me and I just responded to it....yet.

Me: I can't wait for the weekends Prinku.

Prinku: it's only Monday evening Gauri.

Me: Monday evening and I am already tired with school.

Prinku laughed and we continued to talk some more before Prinku got called by some teacher to go and get on the coach bus.

Prinku: I gotta go but I'll talk to you later.

Me: okay see ya.

Prinku: bye love you.

Me: love you more.

We laughed before she cut the call. After she cut the call, I decided to actually get some homework done. I got up from my bed and got some of my books out from my school bag. I was too lazy to get up from my bed and study on my desk. I did however have enough energy to get up to get my laptop from my desk. I started my English homework so I found some website and got a book to write some notes down. As I did so, I heard a sound. I looked up from my book to see my laptop telling me that Om wanted to FaceTime. I accepted the call and got to see his cute face.

Om: hey.

Me: hi.

Om: I tried calling you earlier but your phone wasn't available.

Me: I was talking to your sister.

Om: which sister? I have two.

I chuckled as I said: you know which sister I was talking to.

Om: do I?

I gave him a look and he laughed before saying: Prinku won't even pick up my calls yet she picks up yours.

Me: because she loves me more. Also you used to pull so many mean pranks on her.

Om: we were kids, like I was 8 she was 7, let's forget about those pranks.

My sister's best friendWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt