Chapter 1- The Mass (part 1)

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The sun is set high as the church bell rang.
In the entrance, idle chatter surrounds two girls who makes their way through the small crowd.
One of the girls spots a familiar face amongst the herd. 
Her hazel eyes glints with mischief,

Hey, Isn't that Allan? He looks like he's having fun laughing alone."
She nudges her friend. Her friend, Iris, looks over to her friend's line of sight and giggles,
"He really is."

The two talked among themselves, laughing from time to time.
On the other hand, Allan looks over curiously.
He chose to ignore them at the time, but later on he finds himself occasionally looking over.
He just knows that the two were laughing and talking about him, but what good would it do to confront and tell them off?
He already tried a few times, but none ended in his favor.
The two girls eventually walked over to him,

"Allan!", Iris yells.
Allan turns his back, barely speaking in an audible tone,
"Let's talk later."
Iris heard and replied,
"Just wanted to say that you were the one we were laughing at.  "Um... okay?"
Allan sheepishly chuckled.
"And you looked like an idiot laughing alone— wait, what?"
"Uh, I said okay..?"

Seeing as Iris was clearly discontented with his reply, the boy took this chance to run.
After watching Allan turn his back and run off, Iris followed suit.
When Allan reaches the stairs, he looked back. Seeing that she was no longer chasing him, he casually walks up the stairs.
That is until he was harshly pulled back by his collar.
He almost lost his footing, if it weren't for him grabbing the railing, he would've had a concussion and most likely a broken arm.
When he glances back at the culprit, his [light blue] eyes clashes with Iris's [red] ones.



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