Spooky Nightmare :O

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This took place a while ago. I think it was during the beginning of quarantine. Anyway, enjoy.

-In The Dream-

My family was leaving me to go on a mission trip. I didn't think much of it, since this used to happen often. I was left with a man that my family had hired from Craigslist (what the heck family?). He had a thick grey beard, a big brown overcoat, a red sweater, jeans, muddy boots, and a brown fedora. Essentially, he looked like a homeless Ford Pines.

He was nice, but gave off a vibe that made me distrust him. Nothing really happened throughout the first three nights. On the last night, it was to be a full moon. He seemed to be really nervous and fidgeted all day.

That evening he made me go to my room and lock the door at, like, six-o-clock. Which was weird, since he had let me stay up as late as I wanted. I obviously tried to argue, but he insisted. 

So, there I was sitting on my bed mad and not sleeping. I eventually fell asleep for a few hours, then I woke up to noises from outside the house. I went out of my room and went to wake him up. He was sitting on the couch and shaking. I approached him and asked, "Uhm, are you alright?" He looked up at me and began to sob.

"Child, good luck."

At that moment a pack of what looked like if the Rake and a wolf had a child burst through the door. I ran out of their reach and he started shaking more violently. They were ignoring him and kept chasing me, teeth gnashing. They chased me around the house and he began to slowly walk towards the door. The creatures followed him and as the sun came up, they went outside. 

The creatures melted away into shadow as soon as the sunlight hit them. The man looked at me and smiled warmly, "You were very brave, child. I'm so sorry you had to go through this." I was shaking and he gave me a hug which I returned. He rubbed my back as I started to cry, "You saved my life, child. Thank you." I nodded and wiped my tears. He made me breakfast and we went outside.

He got a text, "Oh. My ride is almost here. Your family will be home in a couple hours." I looked up at him and nodded. He ruffled my hair as a black and white convertible pulled up. I looked at the people piled in it and realized something.

They were all Creepypastas. Jeff was driving, BEN was arguing with Toby over what music to play, Jane was was bored in the back, and Laughing Jack was giggling while messing with Eyeless Jack. I was standing there stunned as the man just hopped in. They all welcomed him and started joking around. 

Jane noticed me and got out of the car. She walked told the boys to wait and came over to me.

 "You saw the h e c c hounds didn't you?"  

"Yes, ma'am."

She chuckled, "You don't have to call me that. Anyway, I hope you didn't mind them. Because now that you've seen them, they'll visit every full moon." I stood there, shocked and was about to cry. She gave me a comforting smile, "It's going to be just fine. I promise you will be okay and if you want we'll visit you." I nodded and she grinned, "Cool. Alright, we have to get going."

She then leaned right into my ear, grinning, and whispered,

"Now, dear. Wake up." 

Adventures in the Life of a Awkward TeenOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz