That One Time I Almost Broke My Ankle

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At this point I'm in second grade, the other person in this story is in first grade. The person used to come home with me everyday after school until some major events happened and he couldn't anymore. Anyway, enjoy!

 At my old house, we had a playground that my grandfather and father built. I was really small when they built it and it was made of wood, so it deteriorated. Another thing that is important to note, I was small when they built it so I didn't know that there were cement blocks in the ground.

Me and Mason were best friends, he would ride the bus home with me everyday from first grade (He was in kindergarten) to about fourth grade (He was in third grade). We would get off the bus, do our homework, then go to the middle school to pick up my brother. Quite a bit of the time, my nana would take us to get fries and ice cream on our way home. 

So, this day we had finished our snacks and homework. We asked if we could go outside, and Nana said sure as long as we stuck together. We ran outside and got to the playground. We sat on the swings challenging each other to see who could go the highest. I won. T̶A̶K̶E̶ ̶T̶H̶A̶T̶ ̶D̶O̶R̶K̶!

Anyway, we went up onto the platform and were messing around. He turned to me and just said, "I wanna jump off." I looked at him like he was crazy, because you don't just hop off a five foot platform onto the ground. Especially when you're like four feet tall.

He just went to the side and hopped off. I ran to the side and leaned over the railing, "OHMYGOSH! MASON WHAT THE-! ARE YOU OKAY!?!" He just ran back up the stairs and laughed, "That was fun! I'm gonna do it again!" This time I just watched and was impressed. So, he jumped off like seventy-three times and was fine. I decided to hop off too.

I was a very cautious bean, so I was preparing myself (The fact that "Wait For It" from Hamilton comes on smh). He was getting impatient, so I got to the edge and sis just pushed me off. 

I fell right on the area where the cinder blocks were. I screeched and started crying, Mason ran to the house and got my dad. My dad really just got home and then had to deal with this, poor guy. So he comes, picks me up and carries me into the house. 

My crying is calming down and I sit on a recliner, elevating my ankle. It was already swollen, and my dad went to make a cast of sorts. He got a Disney Princess washcloth, ice, and ducktape. My dad put the ice on my ankle, wrapped the washcloth around it, and then taped it together with ducktape. 

I was giggling at the "cast" and when my mom got home she was so confused. It was actually a pretty good day. Mason felt so bad, but I forgave him. We're still really close friends to this day!

Hope you enjoyed this silly little story! I have plenty more stories to tell. Please suggest categories or stories! It makes me happy to tell these. I love y'all!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2021 ⏰

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