Crappy Teachers Part One

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I had this teacher who was in the army. She was terrifying. Everyone was scared of her until they had her as a teacher.

My older brother never had her but she had done some sweet things in his time. So, I thought "She can't be that bad, right?"

Boy was I wrong...

She yelled at the class. Everyone (except my old bestie) still liked her and I'm over here a shy and awkward 7th grader who's super scared of her.

She was lowkey racist. My old best friend was first generation. Her family was from the Dominican Republic. They immigrated legally and obeyed all the laws to be here. Anyway, every time she would talk about immigration, she would look straight at my friend and say they needed to build a wall.

She would cuss in class. I personally try my best not to cuss. I use alternatives the majority of the time. Now, I get that she is allowed to cuss in her personal life. But it is not professional to cuss in a classroom environment. She also showed videos that cussed as well. The "f" word was dropped multiple times. (I sound like a Karen lmao)

She didn't care. She had been suspended of her teachers license THREE times before my class came along. You wanna know what she said? "I don't care if I get suspended. It's just a three day vacation for me." And the school kept her, because she got good test scores! 😃

She would make fun of students. Now this one made my blood boil. A classroom is an environment you should feel safe in. You shouldn't feel like you're going to be BULLIED by your teacher! I have personal experience with this one. So, here's my story.

I didn't and still don't have an activated phone. I can't call or text people. I honestly don't care because I don't really need to. My best friends all have Xbox and this app so I'm set.

Anyway, we were in class and needed to take a picture of an assignment to send her. The assignment was a chart that was homework. So, I raised my hand and  said, "What do we do if we don't have a phone?"

She looked at me like I was crazy, "Do you have an IPad?" I responded with, "No." She looked at me with a smirk and said, "So your parents not believe in technology?" A few kids snickered, some others looked at her with anger, and others were just waiting for my response.

I shrugged and replied, "No, I just don't need one. I can't drive, so what's the point?" She looked at me and seemed to be slightly angry. She continued with the class, but I won't forget that.

She TRIED to humilate a student in front of the class. That's not cool. I handled myself, but still. My friend was so mad at the end of class, it was really sweet to be honest.

Anyway, that's part one of my scrappy teachers. There are other things, but I'm ✨lazy✨

Have a lovely day/night humans! And remember, if you don't feel safe at home or at school tell an adult. Yes, I know it's cheesy. But I love you guys and want you safe.

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