Crappy Teachers Part Two

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So, I moved to a new school this year. I know, yAy! I have been in public school my entire life, up until this year. I moved to a private school, because of discounts and scholarships lmao 

My science teacher is who we're gonna talk about. She is like 60 years old, which isn't a bad thing if you can teach well. Though, she teaches decent it's how she treats me and other new students.

She throws the fact that you're new in your face, every chance she gets. When we start a new unit, "I don't know about the new students but..." When we started science fair, "New students should definitely find an experiment off of Science Buddies." When we discussed our first project, "New students can use an example, but if you've been here you can't." So you wanna know what I said?

Challenge accepted.

For our first project, I made up my own. For science fair, I made up my own experiment and am getting it graded next week. Her class is a breeze. Moral of this first story: Never underestimate a student, new or not.

Now, this is the main issue. I have never been one for breaking the rules. Expectations? Sure. Rules? Not so much. Yes, there are rules that need to be broken. I haven't come across any of these rules yet in my life so far. I'm very lucky in that aspect. But, that's what makes this next story so great.

Anyway, you know how you can buy bulk bags of tiny, plastic babies off Amazon? Well, I did. I got the variety pack and was planning to place them around random places. Why, you may ask? Simply put, it is comical. I mean, finding a random baby is funny. I would laugh, my family would laugh, and my friends as well. Because it is funny.

Well, I go in on three hours of sleep and a cup of coffee. I have my raincoat on and a bag of plastic babies in my pocket. I'm  very sleep deprived in first period so it's a very good thing class was chill that day. I showed my friend and we were CACKLING. It was great.

I hide a couple, the teacher finds them. He chuckles and says, "Ah yes, the babies." He picks up his plastic spider and asks, "Can someone make a saddle for this? I want the baby to ride the spider into battle." Obviously, he's my favorite teacher.

Third period rolls around (I have the same teacher for first and second period). I hide a couple babies, normal stuff. The teacher opens her stapler and the baby falls out, she squeals and starts to giggle, "I was expecting that!" I'm over here finding joy in the reactions, just like everyone else. Seriously, I was on cloud nine! This was how I made my mark, hiding babies.

Now, fourth period, science. I go in, hide some babies, and go to the restroom. When I come back she's glaring at the class and asking, "Who put the babies here?" I'm just thinking, "AWE SH-"

So, I go to my seat about to have a panic attack. The bell rings and everyone is looking at each other nervously. She tells the virtual students she "has to deal with something in class" and mutes herself. At this point, I'm freaking out. I can barely control my breathing and start blanking on basic facts.

She tells anyone who knows anything about the babies to raise their hand. I may be essentially The Quiet Kid™ but I'm not a liar. So, I raise my hand alongside two gentlemen. She goes in a line, and I'm second. The first guy says, "We don't know who has been placing them. It has been in other classes too." She nods and looks at me, "Miss. [REDACTED]?" I swallow and hold my hands up in defeat, "I will admit, it was me. I didn't mean any harm, and I apologize." I was looking at the floor, but I wish I could have seen the reactions! 

She went on to the third person, he says the same thing as the first guy. She then proceeds to lecture the class. Tells some story about a guy breaking her personal computer on accident and continues the class. 

I'm embarrassed, but still alive. I can live through that, you know? My friend also felt really bad and like it was her fault. So I obviously told her that if she blamed herself I would smite her into next week.

Then, after class she says, "Miss. [REDACTED], may I speak to you for a moment?" I can't run away or anything, so I walk over to her and get ready for detention or something. I could have lived with that, I wouldn't really beat myself up over that. BUT OH NO.

She lectures me on how this happened last year. The babies were on the ceiling, apparently. I asked how and she snapped that it was middle school. That was when I first felt the tears prick my eyes. She continues her lecture, saying the boys could make dirty jokes (MISS GIRL, I LITERALLY HEARD ONE MAKE A JOKE ABOUT SOMEONE DOING THE DEED WITH A BOX, BUT OKAY).  I wasn't saying anything, cause we don't like conflict here. 

Now before I go into the next part, I have to give my opinion about something so it makes sense. Also, I will have to bring up abortion, so if that triggers you or makes you uncomfortable please skip ahead. I will separate it by a line of bold wiggles. 


I personally, am prolife. I will not shame you if you have had an abortion. I just do not agree with it. To be honest, I just really like kids and babies and it breaks my heart.

 In the words of the musical Hamilton, "Hate the sin, love the sinner." THIS IS JUST AN EXPRESSION I DON'T WANT TO GET IN A WAR IN THE COMMENTS-

You are all entitled to your own opinion, whether it is the same as mine or not. I love you all for who you are, not what you believe. So, if you think I'll hate you or something like that for having an opinion that's different, I won't. Please be respectful to one another and to myself. 

Anyway, she said the babies could be used as abortion propaganda. That was when I couldn't speak or I would cry. I just looked at her shocked and tried not to break down in front of her.


I was standing there begging for this lecture to be over, so I could go make sure I didn't cry. Then she had the audacity to say "I know you, so I know that wasn't your intention." If she knew me she NEVER would have brought up that topic. She NEVER would have said something like that. Because, it's a bit of a sensitive subject. 

She must have saw that I was about to break down. She quickly said, "We're good right?" I could simply nod and start to walk away. My friend walked with me to my locker and gave me a hug. Lilly is the real MVP here. 

Anyway, now she just gives me looks everyday. Tee hee 

Thank you for reading, have a lovely day, night, afternoon, evening, morning, etc. I love you all so so much!

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