Chapter 8

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Yo B-) This chapter is early! Yay! I don't have much to say other than be prepared for more chapters a bit later on, I guess. Enjoy!

I walked back into my room to see Kacchan sitting on my bed by the spinny-circle thing. My mom quickly walked over to sit by him and grabbed the board, while Kacchan stood up next to me, in front of the mat.

"Alright, boys! Ready?"

"Yeah." Kacchan and I agreed in unison, and my mom started the game.


~Bakugo POV~

Auntie Inko was oddly giddy. It wasn't bad, it was just kind of strange. "Who's going first?"

"Oh, you can, Kacchan." I couldn't really say no with a reason, so why not. She flicked the pointer and Izuku and I watched as it spun and landed.

"Right hand yellow." Auntie was kind of scaring me with her excitement, but I didn't want to say anything because it would ruin her mood. I bent down and placed my right hand on a yellow circle.

-----------------------------------------Time Skip------------------------------------------
(A/N: Because I'm not doing each color and limb <3)

Izuku and I had been playing for about 10 minutes by now, and my arms were starting to get sore from being in a plank for so long, but there wasn't much I could do about it because I said I would win, and I'm going to win.

"Ok, Izu, flick... Alright, right hand yellow."

Right now, Izuku and I were in positions that neither of us liked. He had left hand on blue, right hand on yellow, left foot on red, and right foot on green, while facing the ceiling. He was up towards the top of the mat. I had my left hand on red, my right hand on blue, my left foot on yellow, and my right foot on blue. I was in a plank position while I was facing him and he was facing me. (A/N: In order to understand this, you'll need to look at the picture of a twister mat below, sorry it's so confusing but this was the best I could do!)

 (A/N: In order to understand this, you'll need to look at the picture of a twister mat below, sorry it's so confusing but this was the best I could do!)

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"Ok, Katsuki, your turn flick... Left hannddd... green!" Left hand green? But thats all the way across the board, I'd have to- Uh oh.

I have to go on top of Izuku.

I reluctantly picked up my left hand and watched a look of slight fear cross Izuku's face, and heard Auntie giggling to herself. She probably planned this.

So, now we're in another awkward situation. First, he was on top of me (twice, actually, remember the closet?), and now, I'm on top of him. We were just kind of staring at each other, and I couldn't help but blush. As he kept getting a brighter shade of red with each second, I wasn't able to hold back a grin that grew on my face. He was just too cute not to smile at.

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