Chapter 1

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"DAMMIT HAG IM AWAKE, SHUT THE HELL UP!" I shouted down the hall at my annoyingly loud hag of a mother. What a way to wake up. It's not like it's new to me though, she's always a pain in the ass.

"DON'T TALK TO YOUR MOTHER THAT WAY!" the witch argued. I didn't bother to answer, it's always the same argument every morning. I sluggishly stumbled out of bed, walking past my nightstand with an All Might figurine and a framed picture of me and that nerd. 'Why was that still there?' I questioned as I stared at it intently whilst walking towards my dresser across the room. 'I don't even care about him anymore.' I told myself, planning on throwing it away later that day. I changed into my uniform, brushed my teeth, and grumbled my way down the stairs.

"Took you long enough. Now hurry up and eat, you have to walk to school," the hag demanded.

"Oh, shut up and give me my food," I replied, snatching the plate from the counter. The food was gone just as fast as it was made and next thing I knew, I was out the door on the way to school. All I could think about the whole way there was how much I wish the weekend was here. I went home Thursday night because of some stupid family dinner, so now it's Friday and I have to walk all the way back to the dorms.

I get there earlier than usual, even though I'm always the first student there to show that I'm first place in everything, so I decide to take a detour to my dorm room. 'Shit, I'm really early,' I think, looking at my phone and realizing my shitty mom woke me up at 5:30 in the morning and I got there at 6. 

I spent a good hour in my dorm, scrolling through the hero news, until I heard students walking down the hallway. 'I should get going now, this is getting boring as hell,' I open my dorm room to see none other than that stupid green bush of hair.


He looks up from his notebook that he's always so buried in and stares at me, wide eyed. "Oh, hey Kacchan!" he says, in a sickly, cheerful voice.

"The hell do you want?" I retorted, staring back at him. Then he started... laughing? 'What the fuck? Why is he-' my thoughts were cut off by a sudden warm feeling crossing my face. It spread from my neck to my chest and stayed there. I was stuck staring dumbfounded at the nerd. 'Hah?!? What the hell is this?!?' I couldn't help but wonder, filling with panic as these thoughts crossed my mind. All the while, the little prick in my side was giggling to himself. I decided the best thing to do was walk away, I needed to figure out what the hell is going on.

"Hey wait, Kacchan where are you going?"

I stopped dead in my tracks, not daring to turn around and let him see me like this.

"What the fuck does it look like? I'm walking to class, idiot."

"Oh, ok. Can I walk with you?"

What? Why the fuck does he want to walk with me?

"Sure." I grumbled, before I realized what I was saying.

"W-wait really? O-ok!"

Wait what?!? Why did I say that? I don't want to walk with him! Oh no he's coming closer, stay the fuck back, dammit! What do I do what do I do?

"Kacchan, are you ok? You look a bit red..." Deku noticed, while I internally screamed at myself to calm down.

"I-I'm fine. Let's just get to class, dumbass."

HOLD ON WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!? I did NOT just stutter, no way in HELL that just happened. That fuckmunch probably did something to me, I swear to god I'm going to blow his ass sky high.

We get to the class and I'm still bright pink, trying to cool myself down by focusing on anything but that fucking nerd. God dammit, why is he so- 'so what?' My thoughts couldn't finish the sentence. What is he? Annoying? Loud? Clumsy? Stupid? Nerdy? What's the word?

Class ended seemingly immediately, probably because the whole time I couldn't stop thinking about that word. Fuckin' hell, what's the word? Dunce face and shitty hair walked up to me and immediately bombarded me with these stupidly annoying questions. One really stuck out to me, though.

"Hey man, you kinda look like you're pretty deep in thought. What's goin' on?" Kirishima questioned. Now, I trust Kirishima a lot. Probably more than I trust myself. But for whatever reason, I couldn't bring myself to say what was on my mind.

"I'm thinking about training, hair for brains. Why the hell are you asking?" I said, attempting to sound convincing. I think it worked, based on their reactions.  They continued jabbering on about random shit for a few minutes, so I walked away, planning on going out to the cafeteria for lunch.

"Hey, Kacchan! I heard you talking about training, would you consider training together?"

I turned around to face the nerd. How am I supposed to train with him when I can't even face him without my face turning bright red every time I look at him? I don't even know why!

"Yeah, whatever. You need practice anyways."

WHAT? No I don't want to train! Shit I cant take it back now, he looks too excited. Plus he's just question why I said yes and the conversation would drag out longer. I don't think I can do this.

"I'm gonna pretend that you didn't say that. What time do you want to go? I'm free any time today or tomorrow after school. Actually, if I wake up early enough, I could train before school..." Deku went on mumbling for another ten seconds, holding his bottom lip between his index finger and thumb. I stopped listening long before he continued his tangent. I couldn't stop staring at him.

What the hell, Katsuki? Stop staring, you'll make it weird! I don't think he notices, but if he sees me he'll just continue asking me more and more questions. I felt the warmth crawling back to my face, so I just blurted out whatever I could to end the conversation.

"Just give me your number and we can figure it out later, stop fucking mumbling."

He stared back at me, at a complete loss for words. Wait, rewind, did I just ask him for his number? Holy shit I did. Ok calm down, calm down, it's fine. You'll just be training with him. And texting him. And becoming the brightest shade of red humanly possible. Oh no I cant do this. Wait why? I've texted plenty of people before, why is this so different? He's just a damn Deku, this is fine... Right?

"O-oh, ok Kacchan! Hand me your phone so I can type it in, unless you want to, of course," Deku replied, smiling that same, stupid, goody-two-shoes smile. But there's another word. God dammit, what's the word?

I unconsciously pulled up the contacts app and passed him the phone, and as soon as I realized I did, there was no going back. That's it. I'm going to jump off a cliff.

He handed me back my phone with a quick "Talk to you later, Kacchan!" And practically skipped away, back to pink cheeks and that icy-hot bastard. I looked down at my phone to see the contact information and read the name. I stood there, in a state of shock. The contact said "Deku <3". My heart skipped a beat and the phone slipped out of my hands.

As soon as I realized I dropped it, everyone that was left in the room was staring at me. I bent down to pick it up, turned around, and was about to leave the classroom. Before I could leave I caught a glimpse of Deku. He was smiling his stupid, goody-two-shoes smile again, I assumed that pink cheeks said something funny.

This time, something was different.

I knew the word that I had been trying to find that whole day. At this realization, I nearly stopped breathing.

As I left the classroom, only one thing was on my mind.

Deku and his stupid, goody-two-shoes, adorable smile.

1398 words :>
Author's Notes
Hi ^-^! This is my first fic so it isn't exactly fantastic lmao. I should be able to post at a decently often rate, but idk if ill have a schedule. It mostly depends of how motivated I am. But rn I think I can do 2-3 chapters per week? Maybe? Idk how long this fic is gonna be, we'll see how it turns out tho. Questions, suggestions, compliments (doubt it), and corrections are welcome in the comments, as well as literally anything that isn't mean. That's all, have a good day/night! :>

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