Big balls ~ Brian X Angus

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This was requested by LittleAngrySchoolboy

Sorry, that it took so long. I hope, you'll like it:)

Warnings: Smut

1980 Bahamas:

They were just recording the Back in Black album. Phil was on the drums and was recorded. Cliff and the men from the studio had gone to get coffee. Malcolm was on the mixer. Angus and Brian were busy elsewhere. They sat on the little sofa behind Malcolm and kissed hungrily. The little guitarist sat on Brian's lap and wrapped his arms around Brian's neck.

"That was good. But I want you ... that you put a little more love into the song. OK? More love for music." Malcolm said over the intercom and looked at Phil. Phil lowered his drumsticks and looked at him in disbelieve.

"What? Love for music?"

"Yes." Malcolm nodded and pushed a switch a little lower. "Show that you love the music you play. Give it more rock'n'roll." Phil looked puzzled. Malcolm rolled his eyes. "Imagine you have a one night stand that you really love and want to have again. Put love into it."

"The fact that the song is called let me put my love into you babe." Phil giggled as he pulled a drum tighter. Malcolm grinned to himself.

"Ready? I want to hear more heart and soul."

"Will be done, boss." Phil nodded, turned the drumsticks in his hands and then began to play. Brian and Angus giggled a little.

"I love you, honey." Brian hummed and kissed Angus' ear. Angus smiled and pressed against him. They kissed aggressively again. Brian put Angus on the sofa and leaned over him. They kissed hard. Angus groaned softly and excitedly. Malcolm turned in his office chair and took off his headphones.

"Guys? Does it have to be here?"

"Yes." Angus gasped. "Shut up and turn around again." Brian chuckled softly and gave Angus a gentle kiss on the cheek.

"I have an idea. How about you two go to the beach?" Malcolm asked when he'd turned back and pushed up another switch. Phil was still playing behind the glass. "And then you can have hot sex on the beach. Maybe the crabs will join in." Malcolm shrugged. "We can take your recordings tomorrow too."

"Do you mean that seriously? Are you really letting us go before we finish recording?" Angus asked excitedly. Malcolm sighed.

"Yes. Now get out of here before I change my mind." Angus jumped up happily and kissed Malcolm on the cheek. The older one withdrew in disgust. Angus laughed.

"Thanks, brother!" Yelled the lead guitarist as he grabbed Brian by the hand and pulled him out of the studio. Malcolm giggled to himself. The two were so in love.


Brian and Angus had gone to their hotel room, got their swimwear, and then ran to the beach. It was very busy here. Angus signed a couple of autographs. Brian wasn't that famous yet. But then the two retired to a shady spot between the trees. They were at the back of the beach and there was no one there. Absolutely nobody. They were alone. Brian put the large picnic blanket on the floor and set the basket next to it. Angus quickly undressed and turned around.

"Can you put some sun lotion on me, Brimi?" Angus asked excitedly, holding out the bottle of sun cream. Brian giggled and put cream on Angus. Then he undressed and the two jumped into the sea. Both splashed back and forth excitedly. Angus wrapped himself around Brian's body.

"Baby! We'll go under if you cling to me like that!" Brian shouted, trying to keep his head above the water. Angus giggled.

"Wouldn't you like the thought? You and me. All alone out on the sea. Just the two of us. No prospect of salvation. I cling to you and we'll die together. Hand in hand. In the waters of the seas." He put a hand on his forehead and pretended to pass out. Brian giggled.

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