They said: Lost! 1~ Bon X Malcolm

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Started writing again, hope you will enjoy this the next chapter is the following to this part.

Malcolm Young and Bon Scott were madly in love and together. They walked out of school holding hands. Bon was two grades above Malcolm and was 17 years old, making Malcolm a 15 year old. They walked down the sidewalk together and were on their way to Bon's house. When they got there, Malcolm looked puzzled. A large truck was parked in front of the Scotts' house. Mr Scott, Mrs Scott and Bon's both siblings were standing by their car. The truck drove away.

"Hello Malcolm." Isa Scott smiled, she was Bon's mother. Malcolm turned his head in shock and looked up at Bon for being four inches shorter.

"What does that mean?"

"You didn't tell him, Bon?" Sandy asked. She was Bon's sister. Bon shook his head and looked at the floor. "You're an asshole, Bon." With that, she sat in the car next to her second brother, Derek.

"What didn't you tell me?" Malcolm asked shakily.

"Malcolm, darling. I wanted to tell you but I knew you would be sad and I didn't want our last days to be sad. I love you." Isa looked at the two pityingly.

"The last few days?" Malcolm whispered. Isa walked over to them and looked her son's boyfriend in the eye while stroking his shoulders.

"Malcolm... we're moving. To Canada. There is no other way. We just can't afford it here anymore. And Bon's dad and I got a great job in Canada." Malcolm felt tears in his eyes as he looked up at Bon.

"You're moving?" He whimpered. "To Canada?"

"Honey, I'm sorry, I should have told you." Bon sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. His whole family watched.

"Yeah damn! You should have!" Malcolm shrieked.

"But it doesn't change anything about the fact that I'm moving away from here! I wanted our last days to be beautiful!"

"That's why you bought me the flowers." Malcolm whispered. "That's why we went to the zoo. I thought we were doing this because we love each other." He breathed.

"Mal, darling. I love you." Malcolm sniffled.

"You didn't even tell me our relationship was ending." Tears ran down his cheeks as he sniffled softly, wiping his nose shakily.

"What? Our relationship isn't ending!" Bon said.

"You're moving to Canada!" Malcolm squeaked through sobs. "Get it, Bon! This is on the other side of the world! We'll never see each other again!" Isa was still stroking Malcolm's shoulder.

"But...but we can talk on the phone." Bon said.

"I don't want to make phone calls." Malcolm whimpered. "I want you." Isa started crying too as she looked at Malcolm.

"Mally...oh my god. I'm so sorry." Bon went to kiss him, but Malcolm pulled away.

"Please...don't do it." He whispered. "Don't make it any harder than it is for me."

"Bon, we have to go, otherwise we'll miss our flight." Said the father softly. Bon bit his lip and nodded. He carefully took Malcolm's trembling hands in his own.

"I love you Malcolm. I'm so sorry. I...I'll be back, okay? I promise you. I'll get back to you." Malcolm sniffled.

"I will wait for you. I promise you that, Bon." He whispered.

"They're too cute to be legal." Bon's sister whispered. Malcolm hugged Bon tightly and sniffled.

"I love you. Please take care, okay? I don't want a bear eating you or anything." Bon giggled. Isa and Bon's father were already in the car. Malcolm looked up at Bon. "I love you. I'm glad I met you, Bon. I'm glad to have been your boyfriend. At least for a little while."

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