Chapter 1

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I slam the locker shut as I hear all of the talking, laughter, and groans of the students around me. I look around to see if I recognize any of my three friends, and of course, I don't. Starting Freshman year of high school is so nerve racking to me because I don't really know anyone and large crowds of people aren't my cup of tea.

"Tara, there you are! We were looking everywhere for you girly," Hailey tells me as she pulls me in for a hug. Hailey is one of my best, and one of my only, friends. She's one of the sweetest and most pure hearted people you would ever meet. She's tall, mixed, has curves in all the right places, and is a complete ray of sunshine to be around.

"I was looking for you to!" I laugh, returning the hug. I look behind her and notice my other friends, Trent and Kami. Trent is a year older than us, but still a freshman. He and Hailey have been together for about 9 months and they are so cute together. Kami has been my friend since 7th grade when we first met and we've been inseparable ever since.

"You look nice," Trent tells me with a smile. Kami rolls her eyes and laughs while elbowing him in the side.

"Wow you're really going to flirt with Tara while Hailey is standing right here?" she jokes. The 4 of us have always teased Trent about flirting with all three of us girls, but he doesn't really. We once asked why he compliments us all like that and he told us it was because he wants us to be treated the right way since we're both single. He never crosses any kind of line and he doesn't hit on us, he's just being kind.

We all laugh together and Hailey and I head off to first period together, while Kami and Trent go to their first classes as well. I only have one class with Hailey, and none with the rest of them, so I'll have to try to make some friends in those classes.

We walk into class and the teacher already has a seating chart on the front of the board, and of course, I'm on the other side of the room away from Hailey. I have no idea who the people I'm sitting with are, but they seem to be friends. Well, I know who they are, but I don't know them personally and I've never talked to them before.

I sit down at my desk and give them all a smile, and they smile back. I don't say anything because I'm not really sure what to say. I want to start a conversation, but I'm an awkward girl and I don't know how to deal with people. They continue their conversation about something they did over the summer that was apparently "crazy" and I pick up my book and start reading. I wouldn't call myself a nerd or anything like that because I'm not obsessive over school, but I do make A's and B's and I enjoy reading.

The guy next to me leans over and says "hey, you're reading a book so you're smart, right?"

"Um, I guess?"

"Good, good. I'm stupid so I'm going to need you."

"Okay, I don't know when I offered my help to you," I told him. This guy has never said one word to me and now he wants me to help him pass a class? I don't think so. It would be different if he had simply asked me for help, but he practically demanded it from me and I'm not one for taking orders.

He raises his eyebrows and gives me a look while his friends laugh at him. He rolls his eyes and doesn't say anything else to me. I guess I made him mad, but I feel like he was disrespectful to me so I don't really care. I go back to reading my book and get lost into my own little world with just the book and me.

The teacher comes in and makes sure everyone is in the seats she wanted and she introduces herself. She teaches Pre Algebra and she's taking classes to become a librarian. She gives us a "get to know me" assignment, but she said she wasn't going to make us present them and she just wants to know a little more about us and what are likes and dislikes are.

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