Chapter 4

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The nightmare was happening again. Like it was continuing where I had left off the night before. I was in Rin's arms again. All Might was reaching for me. Then the gap increased, and we were in the air. All Might had tears running down his face. Reaching for me about to jump from the window himself.

"Don't bother following us All Might. Unless you want me to kill this brat." Rin yelled at the defeated hero.

"Y/N! I WILL FIND YOU!" All Might yelled at me. Suddenly it felt like I had no control of what came out of my mouth next.

"Daddy please help me!"

I shot up from my bed. My room was a disaster. Everything was being thrown around the room violently. The weapons I had brought with me were now out of the case and flying dangerously around the room. I threw my hands up to stop everything. Everything stopped in midair. I carefully put my weapons back into the case and fixed my room again. Surprisingly nothing had been broken. I got out of bed and headed toward my bathroom. When I looked in the mirror my own reflection surprised me. My irises had changed to a blood-red color and my hair was floating, surrounded by my own red aura. I closed my eyes and felt my hair return to normal. When I opened them again my irises had returned to their normal color. I shook the thought away and brushed my teeth and put my hair into a ponytail.

I walked back into my room. It was still dark out. I looked at my alarm clock. It was 4 am. I guess I could get a workout in before I head to school today. I put on some leggings, some tennis shoes, a sports bra, followed by a loose top. I open the balcony door to get a feel for how cold it is. It was surprisingly warm out. I look across the street and see the light in Ochaco's apartment was on. I picked up my phone and dialed her number.

"Hey Y/N why are you up so early?" She sounded like she barely woke up.

"I could ask you the same thing." I laughed at the phone. "I'm about to workout would you like to join me?"

"Oh, sure let me get changed really quick. I'll meet you outside in 10 minutes." She replied.

"Okay sounds good Ochaco." I hung up the phone grabbed my keys and a bottle of water and headed out the door. It was quiet outside. The city was still asleep aside from a few people heading to work or leaving from work. I ran across the street to Ochaco's building and waited. She came running out of her apartment with a big grin on her face.

"I'm so excited to start classes today. Hopefully we are in the same class!" She jumped up and down while she stretched her arms across her body.

"I hope so too! What would you like to do for our workout?" I smiled at her stretching myself.

"I don't think we should use our quirks because we might be using them later today. Maybe jog around the neighborhood to warm up and then go over to athlete's park to use the machines. What do you think Y/N?" She asked while jogging in place.

"Sounds good to me. Let's go!" We begin to jog around the block. We took a few laps and then headed over to the athlete's park and Ochaco began using the machines. I opted to use the free weights. I went up to the weight bar and added plates on.

"Do you need me to spot you?" Ochaco asked stopping her bicep curls.

"Not it's okay this is lightweight for my usual workouts." I stated.

"Y/N that's 4 forty-five-pound plates on that bar." She looked at me concerned. I just giggled at her.

"Yeah, like I said lightweight." I took the bar off the rack and began to do squats. She stared at me in amazement. It was barely a strain on my muscles, but I didn't need to be overdoing it before class today.

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