Is it really over?

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Cat Noir (Blanc) POV
I ran with the remaining strength I had.
I felt my legs tighten and my hands were as pale as snow. I ran into an abandoned alleyway and collapsed. "Plag claws in", as Plagg escaped my ring all I could see was a blur. My body couldn't take this anymore. Whenever I'm near lady bug the akuma gains control. How can I protect the lady I love if whenever I'm near her I try to kill her?

LadyBug POV
I needed to see master right now!
I swarmed the city searching for him until I found myself at a carnival. I quickly ran into an alleyway,"Tikki spots off" as Tikki quickly escaped my earrings I hid her in my purse. I found master running a ticket booth in the far back of the carnival. I explained the situation to him as his face grew pale and frightened. Oddly enough this was all new for him. My mind was swarming with questions that no one had the answers to, and masters uncertainty made me tremble with fear. I tried reasoning with him. "Cat Noir is still in there, as soon as our eyes locked- " master quickly cut me off in a worried tone " We don't know for sure Marinette","Our best hope is to stop him at the source". " You don't mean..." I said struggling to keep my composure " You must stop him at the source, Marinette Dupang-Cheng you can choose one Kwami to assist you on your mission." "I- I'm sorry master I can't" I ran off with tears rolling down my face struggling to catch my breath. Once I was finally home I locked myself in my bedroom. "What's wrong Marinette ?" said Tikki. " How can I defeat Hawk Moth?, me and cat have been trying for months how can I defeat him now when he has cat and the peacock miraculous". "OH NO, do you think he already has a hold of cat noirs miraculous?"
Tikki as well was unsure how to answer my question. We have to find him and I know just the place.

Cat Noir (Blanc) POV
"My alter ego Blanc is dormant, Plagg don't worry it's me." "Hmmm . . . If it's really you what's my favorite thing in the whole world?" he said genuinely curious if I knew the answer. I let out a slight chuckle " Camembert cheese " I said rolling my eyes. He quickly flew into my arms giving me a warm embrace. " Camembert is my second favorite thing you know" he whispered. We hugged for a while, I couldn't bare the thought of losing him to Hawk Moth. "What do we do now" sighed Plagg.
" I know, ladybug can help us ! " he quickly bolted with excitement. " Plagg are you crazy whenever I'm around her I submit to being Cat Blanc, after seeing the fear in her eyes of what I have become I can never forgive myself." I left with Plagg to the harbor to recollect my thoughts.

Ladybug POV
"But Marinette how do you know where he's going to be ?" said Tikki. "Just leave it up to me"
"Tikki spots on." Now as ladybug I climbed out my bedroom window onto the roof. I knew just where to go from there. By the harbor is where we had our first "date". He has to be there. . . right?

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