Identity Crisis

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LadyBug POV
After a thick silence I broke loose and said, "You know what tikki?"," I'm just not thinking straight. . . right?" We both knew this was a problem for later. "All I know is that I need Cat Noir back."
"I'm going back to see master, we need to save Cat Noir before it's to late." (Tikki nodded her head in agreement) "Tikki spots on."

Cat Noir (Blanc) POV
"Thank you master for letting me and Plagg stay with you." "I hope it's no trouble." "Nonsense Adrien" master said in a soothing tone. "You are welcome any time."

LadyBug POV
I scavenged the city searching for master, he's never in the same place twice but where could he be?
I then spotted master with someone on his way to his apartment. "OF COURSE, why didn't I think of that !" "He's on his way to his apartment it's already getting late good thing I was right on time to spot him. I made my way to his apartment complex and knocked on his front door. I- I couldn't believe my eyes there he was Adrien, Adrien Agreste ?!
My head was swarming with questions but before I can even speak we locked eyes and the same thing I saw happen to Cat Noir was happening to Adrien.
"LADYBUG GO!!" Shouted master .
"B-but is he-", before I could finish my sentence or even gather my thoughts he shouted again "GO! It's not safe here!" " I can't leave you here master !" "I'll be fine now go!" He implied. I hesitated but I trusted him.

Cat Noir (Blanc) POV
"NO, NO,NO this can't be happening again!"
What does this mean? Ladybug now knows my identity but what about Hawk moth? I felt that same cold feeling brewing and draining at the sight of her.
As soon as she left the feeling was gone.
"MASTER!, are you okay ?!?" "I'm fine adrien you didn't complete your transformation yet ." He sounded relieved but in all honesty so was I.
"Does this mean Hawk Moth now knows my identity too?" I said trembling in fear. "He can't access your memories or control your movements adrien." " it's all mental that why you must resist, at least long enough for ladybug to remove your akuma."
OMG LADYBUG! "Plagg I need you to explain everything to ladybug"
"I need you to tell her . . ."

LadyBug POV
I quickly made my way back to the harbor.
It was pitch black with the only source of light insight was the reflection of the moon on the tame waters. " Tikki spots off", I sighed " I can't believe this, Adrien THEE Adrien Agreste is Cat Noir." " Does this mean that the two men I love are actually the same person?" "This just complicates things more." I sighed resting my face in the palms of my hand trying not to cry.
I keep telling myself that it's not supposed to be this way. He's suffering and there's nothing I can do about it.

Plagg POV
Adrien said I would find her at the harbor but it's so dark out here where could she be? Oh look there's sugar cube. I jetted towards her and began to tease her " SuGaR CuBe" she began to roll her eyes and I began to blush. She then said " what's going on Plagg?" Marinette then followed " Yeah is Adrien I mean uh Cat Noir okay?" I froze not knowing what to say so instead I recited what Adrien told me " I love you M'Lady as you now know I'm Adrien Agreste , this wasent how I planned telling you but we have bigger problems right now. I can't see you until I am strong enough to fight the akuma. I'm a danger to you and that's the last thing I want, one day our paths will cross again once I've learned to tame myself. I'll see you soon bugaboo."
That's what he said I laughed nervously.
As soon as I was about to go I saw Marinette in tears with sugar cube comforting her. " We will fix this Marinette I promise" I said to reassure her. Marinette let out a forced smile and composed herself. " We should be getting home Tikki" she said . She sounded so defeated it was almost heartbreaking. As they left I quickly flew up to sugar cube and told her to keep in touch. I hugged her goodbye and returned to adrien.

Cat Noir (Blanc) POV
"What did she say?!" "Is she alright!?" "PLAGG TALK TO ME!" "please-"
I broke down into tears this was all just too stressful I'm just a kid I'm not ready, in fact no one is ready or should go through something like this.
Plagg told me what happened, my heart clenched at the thought of being the source of LadyBugs pain , the cause of her tears, the cause of her problems . . .

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