{EarthMix} Beautiful Mess 🔞

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"And cut", the director shouted, ending the last take of the day.

"Good work everyone", he thanked the crew and then left his seat, while the crew started cleaning up the place.

Earth got up from hovering right above Mix on the bed, sitting down while covering his lap with a bit of the blanket.  The younger gulped and sat up himself, both of the young men only wearing boxershorts for the filming of the ... spicy scene of the show.

"I didn't think we would be able to wrap it up today" Earth admitted while glancing over to the younger, who was still blushing a little from their... filming. It had taken around one and a half hours to get all the takes, the two men kissing each other and slowly undressing one another until they were... well half naked.

"Great job you two", the assistant congratulated them, handing them two bathing robes before leaving them be. Mix went first, putting it on and tying it, before standing up, shortly followed by Earth. They were both more than thankful, that the other people here hadn't seen it.

"You don't have to feel embarrassed... it happens," Earth whispered in Mix ear, while they were walking out of the room and heading to the dressing room. They were currently in the big mansion that Tian lived in and well... the privacy had spiced things up for the two characters.

"Did that happen to you before?" Mix asked carefully, looking around so that no one would hear their conversation.

"No, but I heard of it happening to others," he grinned, thinking back to the times when he had seen Off and Gun or Tay and New together, and the embarrassing stories his friends told him when they were drunk.

Back in the dressing room, they went to their respective chairs and put on their normal clothes again but...

Mix bit his lip about how tight his jeans seemed, rubbing against his erection and making him want to moan. God ... that felt so uncomfortable... the younger quickly tried to cover it up by putting on a long dress-shirt, that would hide it at least for now... but he surely needed to go home and relieve himself.

"Let's go then", Earth said and looked at Mix, him wearing a loose fitted pair of black cotton pants and a t-shirt.

"I was going home actually.." Mix stated, trying to avoid the older's eyes to not... expose himself too much.

"But we had plants to train this extra scene.... the director came to me earlier and said that there was another scene scheduled for tomorrow after they reviewed the scenes we had shot so far."

Mix tilted his head in confusion.

"I didn't hear about that."

"Because you went to go to the bathroom... so let's go."

Earth took Mix bag and then just walked off, the younger one trying to quickly follow him but.... every step seemed like a sweet torture.


When they finally arrived at Earth's place, they took off their shoes before walking in the living room and putting down their bags.

"Here drink something", Earth handed the other a bottle of water before he drank himself, watching Mix from the side and taking in his features.

"So this new scene... what is it about?" Mix asked curiously, the two of them having sat down on the couch and relaxing.

"So they wanted to add a little bit to the scene from today ... a couple of extras."

Mix slowly nodded but then stared at Earth. Did that mean that....?

"Okay so sit down like this", Earth stood up and moved Mix' body in position,
him laying on the couch while half sitting up.

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