{WinTeam} Black and White Part 1

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<< Trigger warning: Nightmares, Panic Attacks, Knives, Slapping, Hitting Oneself, Self Harm, Suicidal Thoughts, Anxiety, Hurt&Comfort, Diassociation (BPD) >>

" Are you comfortable?"

Team turned onto his side, looking at the figure of Pharm that was giving him a caring smile. The two of them had been wrapped up in Pharm's soft blankets, enough distance between their bodies to feel comfortable but able to have conversations. Team smiled back with a small nod.

"Good night Team, sleep well."

"Good night Pharm, " he answered softly and hugged the long pillow, similarly to how he always hugged his own that Team brought to Win's room.

When Pharm had proposed a sleepover in his apartment, Team had been more than thrilled. Just the words 'breakfast' and 'dinner' by Pharm were enough to spark his enthusiasms. His excitement was big enough to forget what usually happened when Team wasn't wrapped in the arms of his favourite, and only, Hia at night. The nightmares that shook him, that left him breathless. It had been long enough since one of these attacks that his own alarm system had been turned off, long enough since all he needed in a particularly bad nightmare was Win coddling him, whispering to him and caring for him as the precious being he was.

When he had brought up the topic with Win... he wasn't thrilled, to say the least. He knew how much it meant to Team, tried to softly explain his thoughts on the matter without thinking to far about all the what if's. Suggesting that maybe if they slept over at Team's dorm room, Win would be close if anything were to happen. But Team assured him that it would likely be okay, that he was doing better, that Win should use the chance for an uninterrupted night of sleep. He had been so sure that he wouldn't get one of them again, that he didn't even warn Pharm, didn't say a single word.





Pharm was breathless, hands clutching onto the shoulders of his best friend trying to wake him, who was thrashing in the bed, crying, shivering, who was mumbling something over and over again.

"Team! Team please..."

The longer it went on the more desperate Pharm felt, heart crashing his chest by the adrenaline it was running on. He was trying everything, using his whole strength to shake Team awake... and with a gasp the other suddenly opened his eyes, more tears flowing down his cheeks.

"Everything is okay... it's okay Team, " Pharm tried to sooth as calmly and softly as he could, helping Team sit up and hugging him tightly.

He reached for his own phone, holding it closeby while Team was still crying, clinging onto his shirt, sobs squeezing out the air of his lungs. Suddenly he heard the noise stop right next to him... a bad feeling rushing through his body. He carefully pulled away from team, hoping it had been enough for Team to calm down but...

Something was wrong.


The other's face was blank, cheeks still stained from tears, heart still hammering loud enough for him to easily hear... but the atmosphere that surrounded his best friend had become even weirder then before... he couldn't quite explain it but it felt different. Team seemed different.

Slowly he stood up, putting a little distance between them while hitting the speed dial button and calling his boyfriend. He would have called P'Win directly, though he didn't really had his contact information, and having his boyfriend here could solve two issues at the same time. Before it even rang twice, Dean's concerned voice could be heard on the other line.

"What's wrong Pharm?"

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