{PhuTian} The Secret - Part 1

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* Tians PoV*

"Come on, I don't have the whole day time for your slow tempo", Phupha complained, turning around and looking at Tian with crossed arms The young teacher took almost two minutes till he reached the spot Phupha had stopped at and his breathing sounded more as if he had went jogging for 30 minutes.

Even though Tian had been there for three weeks now, the ranger hadn't changed a bit.  The older would still scold him for every step he made out of the perfect pathway, and Tian was quite sure that all he wanted was just to get rid of him. Well he surely wouldn't do him this favour. Tian had come here for a reason, a good reason and until the term as well as Torfunes dream were fulfilled, he wouldn't just bug off, even if Mr. I-just-can-not-stand-you hated him and showed it in every minute of his existence. 

"Did you spent the months before coming here just in bed doing nothing? " Phupha just sighed and started walking again, Tian doing his best to match the pace of the taller one, which wasn't easy.

"If you knew..." he mumbled, not able to contain a comment about how accurate Phupha's words were.

The two men continued walking back to the village, not even speaking a single word with each other. Tian just couldn't understand what he had done to deserve such an attitude from the older, his teaching of the children had improved a lot, he abided by almost all rules and he tried not to offend anyone by eating whatever he was offered. It made him feel nauseous at times or experience heartburn, but at least no one had found out about this whole thing in the past weeks. That was the most important part.

" I have a task for you Tian", Phupha suddenly said and stopped just around 200m in front of the village entrance. He waited till the younger was standing next to him and then turned to the other.

"I heard how you said that you wanted to go up to the plateau... If you fulfil the task I give you until midnight, I will take you there on the next weekend."

"Do you mean it?", The younger looked up to the ranger, trying to figure out if he was really sincere. Torfune had written in her journal about it and the other rangers had always talked about how Phupha was the one most accustomed to the route. Going with him was Tians best chance, if he really wanted to go.

"I do Tian", Phupha answered, giving him one of his rare smiles, but before Tian had completely memorised the view, it was gone already.

"Alright so what is the task", the younger smiled, getting rid of a bit of sweat on his forehead with the back of his hand.  Even though Tian had spent three weeks in this place already, it was hard to get accustomed to the climate here, which was much more extreme and humid than Bangkok. 

"It is going to start raining in the next days and, to make sure that the village doesn't end up under water, we need to dig a ditch around the village that leads all the way to a place were the water can freely flow to, without making it impossible to move around. And well... the others are busy so that will be your task."

Tian gulped for a second. That sounded like a lot of work... he didn't mind the work itself.... but would he really be able to do it physically? 

"f you don't want to..."

"I'll do it"; Tian agreed quickly and got a chuckle from Phupha before they started walking to the village. The older gave Tian a shovel and some things to work with, before excusing himself to his patrolling work.




* Phuphas PoV*

"There you are Chief", Yod came to an abrupt stop right in front of the place were Phupha was currently sitting. It hadn't been ten minutes since he came back to the ranger base, drying himself from the unexpected rain that had been going on for the past two hours. There was nothing irregular  on his patrol, so he had ended it half an hour earlier than originally planned.

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