Chapter 2

489 44 14

Current Day - Feb, 2015



'Come downstairs, beta!! They will be here in 10 minutes.' My mom is screaming from last 5 minutes continuously, I am getting ready to be presented in front of the family coming to 'select' me as their future daughter-in-law..

I am just 23, and I don't want to marry some fat, ugly Indian boy.. I see myself as the Editor in the newspaper, I am currently working.. Just the thought of being the mother of two kids in next 4-5 years gives me chills down the spine.

'Sneha, How long will it take to style your hair?' Come downstairs, now.'

'Just a minute, mom.' I said, fixing my black and reddish saree.

Well, I don't have any option now.. I will have to face them at any cost..

After giving finishing touch to my make-up, I headed downstairs. Doorbell's ringing sound made me jump with fear. My dad went to open the door and I heard Max greeting him. Thank God, my knight in shining armor decided to show up before seeing me getting slaughtered. Oh, did I forget to mention him in the introductory part? Well, Max is my best friend since the day I started walking, because as my mum says, he was the person to hold my hand to stop me from falling when I decided to explore the world of my own as a toddler. We have been friends for life, just like our parents. My dad went to college with Max's parents (who fell in love while in college and got married shortly after that). My mom is quite fond of Mrs. Verma aka Max's mother.

Max whistled after noticing me finally, 'Someone is looking killer.' I blushed a little. He whispered in my ear, 'Do you want them to take you home right from here? Or do you want to wait till the wedding day?' I was shooting daggers at him and he was chuckling silently.

Karan greeted him and they started discussion about the cricket world cup. Typical Boys. Here I was nervous as hell and my so-called best friend was busy with my brother. Well, what can I say? Lucky Me!!

I started making coffee for Max in kitchen because he likes coffee only when I make it. I don't add anything special in the coffee, but he can always tell by the fragrance if someone else makes him coffee.

I saw dad picking up his mobile to talk to soon-to-be-here guests to get to know their whereabouts. I heard mum saying, they are just outside the main door. Till now, Max was sipping his coffee by my side in the kitchen and telling me best ways to kill the whole family like by adding rat kill to the tea or hitting the boy's head with Karan's cricket bat.

The family arrived and they were all seated in the drawing room. Mum asked me to bring tea. I added two extra spoons of sugar on Max's suggestion to let everyone know 'how happy I were by the idea of getting married'. I took the tray and entered the room, without making any eye contact with anyone. After putting the tray on the table, my eyes met the boy and his family and I was frozen on my place.

They all were looking at me with smiles plastered on their faces and Seema Di were the one to get up and greet me with a hug. I was too shocked to say anything. So, I did what my mind said. I ran out of my house....

So, folks this is the first chapter. Every single comment is precious to me. Let me know your thoughts.

Check out Aryan on the right :)

Love and hugs,

Rmn <3 

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