Alone in a Hotel Room

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I'm alone in a hotel room,

sitting on the floor,

waiting for my food to come,

that knocking on the door

They said I was exposed

and couldn't stay on campus,

so now I sit all alone,

awaiting my test status

It was all so sudden,

I was at my desk

when the email came

I was about to take a test

you've been in close contact

with someone who is sick

so pack your things now please

sorry this is all so quick

And then there I was

on a bus, riding to the hotel

Did I just fail that online test?

If I did, oh well

Now here I sit a day later

this is all so surreal

how much more time will COVID

from me and the world steal?

I'm a 19 year old single girl

I thought this'd be the year

I'd have my first date, my first kiss

but now the whole world shakes with fear

Last week, I've decided

something was off in the universe

everyone was grumpy, rude, on edge,

I wish life could to us reimburse!

My roommate said last week,

people were like dogs before a storm,

we could all sense that something was coming

our sixth sense did seem to foreworn

The cases at my college spiked

we got locked in our rooms

and then that fateful email came

as so many are at rest in their tombs

I consider myself lucky,

they put me in a safe place alone,

at least I have a big tv,

and thank goodness for my phone

I'm alone in a hotel room,

sitting on the floor,

and you know what, I can't cry

I don't think anyone can cry anymore. 

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