like the back of your hand

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You know the saying, "I know it like the back of my hand?"
Well, it's a peculiar saying...I don't reckon I really know the back of my hand very well.
I don't often stare at it, or spend time memorizing it.
Each time I look I see freckles that I forgot I had.
If you asked me to draw my hands in accurate detail, I don't think I could.
And not because I'm a bad drawer--which I am--but because I do not really know my hands.
And now, staring at them, I see millions of lines, creases, spots, that I don't often think about.
But they are a part of me. And yet, I don't really know them.
I could spend my whole life memorizing the back of my hand, trying to know the story of every line,
But why "know something like the back of my hand" when I could know something like the rolling hills, or the sparkling ocean, or your eyes?

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