Part 15

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You: papa I'm ready
Dad: we gonna wait for the rest of you just wanna get it over with
You: can we just get it over with
He nodded his head and wrote a note saying we left to the police station. We got in the car and he said I could play my music. I played "mood swings" by pop smoke.

P: do you have any proof
Dad: y/n?
You: um yeah I do
I pulled out my phone and went to give it to the police officer then pulled it back away.

You: I'm so sorry but can I get a girl police officer, your going great it's just-
P: no no no I understand let me go get the one a really trust
I smiled and he smiled back at me then left. My dad gave me a hug, I laid my head on his shoulder until a lady came in with a smile.

Women= W

W: hello your y/n correct
You: yes that's me
W: ok so I got my coworkers notes and I just need the pictures
Dad: may I ask why
W: well we need proof so we can arrest him
My dad nodded and I gave her my phone. She looked through it taking screenshots on her phone. She gave my phone back to me and wrote some more notes.

W: have you taken a pregnancy test
Dad: what?!
W: I'm sorry that came out wrong but I need to send you to the hospital to get a rape kit
You: oh um ok
W: ok well thank you so much and this is a lot of proof so I'll see you soon and goodbye
Me and my dad waved her goodbye then we drove to the hospital.

N: hello what can I help you with today
Dad: a women from the police station said to come here because she order a rape kit for my daughter
I could feel her stare at me with sadness in her eyes, I just looked down.

N: follow me please
Me and my dad followed her to a room.
N: I need to ask you if you can wait outside sir
Dad: I'll be right outside ok y/n I love you
You: I love too papa
He walked outside and the nurse got everything she needed.

N: I need you to go in the bathroom and take this please
I looked down as she handed me a pregnancy test. My face went black and she came to hug me from the side.
N: I'm really sorry hon but-
You: I need to
She nodded and I walked into the bathroom.

I opened the packet and took out the test, I sat on the toilet them pee on the stick. I cleaned myself and put my pants on then went back to sit on the hospital bed. She gave me back the test with a worried look on her face. I was confused and saw that it said positive, I was shocked. Why? Why did this happen to me?

N: are you going to keep it?
The audacity this lady has to ask me. I looked at her with a "are you serious" look.
You: yes I am
Even though I got pregnant from getting raped, abortion is never the answer for me.

N: alright we are done and we will send it back to the station and they will call you in about 2 days.
I nodded my head and she helped me out them I walked with my dad in silence to the car.

Dad: qué pasó
You: nada papa
Dad: dimelo ahora
You: papá estoy embarazada
My dad stared at me with a blank face, pulling the car over.

You: papa I'm not getting rid of the baby, I mean this baby is a meaning of strength and bravery
Dad: y/n no matter what happens I'll be by your side
I smiled and a tear went down my face, he gave me a hug then wiped my tears. He gave me a kiss on the forehead.

J: how did it go
Dad: we need to have a family talk, is your girlfriend here Jordan
J: no papa
Mom: what happened
You: it's better if we all sit in the living room
Mom and Jordan sat down worried. I sat on the couch next to my dad.

You: um they needed proof and I had some pictures on my phone but besides the point I needed to get a rape kit and the nurse told me to take a uh pregnancy test
My voice cracked making Jordan and my moms face go blank.

Mom: y/n your not-
J: your pre-
You: I'm pregnant
I said crying on my dad's shoulder. They rushed over to me giving me a hug.

We sat there crying for what seemed like hours. I honestly didn't feel like going to hangout with the group so I told Jordan ro answer the door for me and tell them today's not a good day.
Jordan's POV

Y/n went upstairs with my parents to talk about everything. I was getting snacks for me and y/n to have a brother and sister night when the door bell rang. I put the snacks back down and went to open the door.

Kai: hey where's y/n
Tia: can we go in
It was only Kairi and Mattia, I'm guessing the rest were in the car. I shook my head no.

J: I'm sorry guys but today is not a good day and don't try to call y/n she's going through some hard shit
Kai: what happened
Tia: is she ok
J: she um she will tell you when she is ready
I closed the door in there faces and went to get the snacks and went upstairs with y/n.

You: what did they say
J: you heard
You: yeah
J: they just asked if you were ok
You: did you-
J: I told them today wasn't the day and to not call you cuz you are going through some hard shut right now and that you will tell them when your ready.
Y/n nodded her head and I laid down next to her watching some movies and eating snacks just trying to be the best and supportive brother I could right now.
Kairi's POV

We walk back to the car.

Vic: where's my bestie
Tay: is she coming
Tia: Jordan said today isn't the day
Ro: oh no wait let me call her
Kai: don't! He said not to call her that she's going through some hard shit
Rob: I hope she's ok
Alv: it didn't go well at the station I'm guessing
Ale: fuck bro!
Vic: take me home
Ale: why?!
Tay: me to
Tia: bro
Vic: I don't wanna hangout until I know y/n is ok now take me home
Kai: just take them home dude

Alejandro nodded his head and dropped off Vic and Taylor. We decided to go to Mattia's house and hangout for a little bit. I couldn't get y/n off my mind though. Is she ok?

A: how do you feel being pregnant

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