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I just can't take out of my head how the site disappeared. I was so close! So close! I will go and search on library. I stood up and made my way to the door. "Where are you going?" Colby said confused. "To the library." I said and went out. While I was walking in the corridor,someone took me by hand. "Y/N,don't do this. It's not safe to go there after all what happened." Corey said and wanted to send me back in room. "No! I have to find out how to end this!" I said trying to get away. "Y/N,please don't be like this." Leah said. "We can search after situation calms down." Sam said. "What if the situation gets worse? Guys,I'm tired of doing literally nothing! We will never get out of here if we keep going like this!" I said loud. "Y/N,still we can start tomorrow." Corey said. "We don't have much time left." I said. "Think a little about yourself. We all are tired. We need some rest." They kept on talking to me,but I can't hear them anymore. I can't take this anymore. I started seeing blurry and my powers left me...I can hear them calling my name,but I can't even open my mouth. I feel how they take me back in the room and lay me down on the bed. "What happened to her?!" Colby said worried. "She has experienced so many things today and she got tired." Sam said. "Will she wake up?" "What if something else bothers her?" "All of you shut up!" I heard Martinus saying mad. "I'll send her to my room. She needs some time in silence." Martinus said. I can feel how he took me on his arms. He layed me on our bed and layed next to me. "I'm sorry for what you are going through. All this is happening because of me." He said and took my hand into his. I want so bad to tell him that I just want to help him. "Please promise me that you won't stress yourself too much." He said and kissed my cheek.

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