Chapter 18: Midnight Museum

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Beep-0: I've detected strange readings of light and pure darkness from the destroyed Cloudcracker Prison.

Spyro: Guys! Put on the news! They're talking about the new elements!

Tom Tucker: Our top story, the Midnight Museum has been opened in collaboration with the new dark element.

Joyce Kinney: That's right, Tom. Along with the Sunscraper Spire in collaboration with the new light element.

Spry: Midnight Museum?

Ka-Boom: Sunscraper Spire?

Beep-0: The Midnight Museum has a Dark Eye of Unvisibility.

Tom Tucker: This breaking news just in. The sneakiest thief of Skylands, Nightshade plans to steal the Dark Eye of Unvisibility.

Spry: What?!

Beep-0: Time is of the essence! We must hurry and stop him!

Buzz: It will require a unique set of skills. Secret Ninja Commando skills, to be exact.

Spyro: You can come with us!

Beep-0: To the Midnight Museum!

Midnight Museum

Beep-0: This is it! Fascinating!

Buzz: Watch out for those Spy Guys.

Beep-0: Much like back in the Lair of the Golden Queen.

???: I can help!

???: Me too.

Beep-0: The Dark Trap Master, Knight Mare. And the Dark Skylander, Blackout (Not to be confused with the Transformers Decepticon.

Knight Mare: Let's go!

Beep-0 and Co snuck past the Spy Guys.

Beep-0: That ball... We have to move to that hole.

Blackout moved the ball to the hole opening the door.

Spry: That worked.

Spyro: Enemies!

Beep-0 and Co attacked the enemies.

Beep-0: Tessa. You know about Nightshade?

Tessa: Yes. And it reminded me of something. Long ago, someone stole the King of Woodburrow's crown.

Spyro: Must've been Nightshade. Maybe he can steal it back for us.

Beep-0: For now, we find the Dark Eye.

Beep-0 and Co snuck past security again.

Knight Mare: We made it past that part of the security.

Blackout: Another door locked.

Spry pushed the ball to the hole opening the door.

Spry: Laser puzzle.

Beep-0 directed the laser to open the door.

???: My prediction was right!

Beep-0: Blastermind, the Magic Trap Master.

Blastermind: I predict we'll stop Nightshade.

Beep-0: There's the Dark Eye of Unvisibility!

Nightshade: Indeed it is, my good robot. And I'll be stealing it!

Beep-0: You must be Nightshade! Best thief of all Skylands!

Blackout: Enemies!

Beep-0 and Co attacked the enemies.

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