The leaky culdron

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As we were walking Harry was more frustrated then I had ever seen him and he has a right to be if someone said something like that about my dad I would be mad to even though I don't know my dad stuff like that still hurts and it has to hurt Harry his parents died in a car crash and the only thing he has to remind himself of them is his scar which I think looks like he got stamped in the face with a big N.  Harry threw his stuff down and sat down.

"Harry what are we doing?" I asked but he didn't look like he was in the mood to talk and was ignoring me so I let it go. We were still sitting there after like 10 minutes and so I went to take my phone out of my pocket and I saw what looked to be a big black wolf? I tapped Harry on the shoulder he ignored me I tapped him again still ignoring me and finally I turned to him and said.

"Harry for god sakes I'm not your enemy stop ignoring me and look at what is in front of us." God I hate boys good thing I rarely date them.

"What is that." He said like a idiot.

"Obviously it's either a dog or we're about to get killed by a wolf and should probably be more scarred right now." Harry just looked at me with his face half scarred, and half angry. I looked down a I saw him holding a stick and I couldn't help but laugh.

"What are you laughing for?"

"You your holding a stick like that's really gonna do something."

"It's not a stick, it's my wand." I was confused a wand? And then I realized oh wizards and witches have wands just like in fairytales. I felt stupid. It had been like 5 minutes since the dog/wolf left and then suddenly this bus appeared and I could already tell it was something to do with magic.

"what are you doing laying there on the ground?" said the person that im guessing drives the bus 

"'I fell over." harry said 

"well what'd you fall over for?" 

"I didn't do it on purpose"

skipping till they get to the leaky cauldron.

me and harry stepped in the leaky cauldron after the most horrifying drive I have ever had tom the clerk led us to a room and this man who called him self the minister of magic was there honestly I've never felt more embarrassed in my life when I had to ask what a minister of magic was but they told me. me and harry were sent to a room and we started to talk.

"So why did you  come with me?" harry asked 

"Because were going to the same place." 

"I know but I blew up your mom. you should be mad at me."

"my mom is a handful and she had no right to talk to you like that."

"you know she's going to come looking for you right?"

" I know. but she'll never find me." we sat there and talked for hours laughing and he told about the Weasley's and Hermione his bestfriend he told me about Ron and the twins Fred and George he said that I would probably get along with Ron the most cause we both love food but I think I'm going to get along with Fred and George. He also told me about the four Hogwarts houses Gryffindor witch trait is being brave Hufflepuff and how there loyal and kind Ravenclaw and how there smart and wise also Slytherin there cunning and ambitious witch I didn't really get like how do you know what a person is really like until you get to know them. he also told me about Draco Malfoy he told me that Draco was rude to him all the time but I want to know why.

"why is he rude to you." I asked him.

"because I'm a halfblood." but that didn't seem right I mean who hates someone just because of how pure there blood is I will make it my mission to find out why Draco really hates Harry.

And she fellOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz