[7] Bad Boyz

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[M/N] stared below of the little vampire gang, all vaping and laughing to themselves

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[M/N] stared below of the little vampire gang, all vaping and laughing to themselves. His nose wrinkles in disgust, they had come in that evening with loud motorcycles and dressed in some type of gang gear that he didn't recognize at all. Some greaser assholes with their greaser chicks hanging off of them, with bright red lipstick and dark eyeshadow. If it weren't for the fangs, they would've looked hot.

He tilts his head when a vampire male whispered into her ear, making her giggle in delight. [M/N] cranes his neck to see the last biker pull up and he grins to himself, he stretched his leg and rolled his shoulder before jumping down. He lands with a crouch, dust blows as he lands as he looked at the vampires. "Sup?"

"Wolf." A vampire hissed, their eyes turning into slits and fangs poking out their lips. They began moving around, readying for the fight but [M/N] shoots the first vampire, watching her fall into a heap of a twitching mess. Her head missing from the gun. They all stopped before the two larger males went forwards to grab the wolf but [M/N] was faster and roll forwards, missing their arms.

Child abuse, negligence, false police report, false imprisonment, attempted murder, drug abuse, arson, murder-

[M/N] grits his teeth as he moved away from a swing of an incoming fist, he grasped the arm and turns it, a loud crack and a growl were heard. He kicked the vampire back, as he grasped another male's head and bring it down on his knee twice. The dark blood splattered on the floor and his knee, before twisting the neck until another loud crack.

False imprisonment, assault, property damage-

[M/N] ducks when a punch went flying towards him, flipping on his back, raising his leg up and kicked the vampire back. He locked the gun and shot, watching the brain splattered against the wall. He moved out of the way of a stomp and glared at the vampire. He locked the gun once more and it shot, the vampire fell back. How could they try to hide this from me? I was more than open with them and yet I feel so betrayed like this? They wanted me to be more open and yet to open to me. I expected less but it still hurts not to be let in.

Murder, Prostitution, manslaughter, animal abuse, enforced suicide- 

[M/N] yelps when claws dragged against his skin, he could feel blood flow down his side and clutched it. He looked to see his hand-painted in red. The female vampire giggled before moving, choking him, and [M/N] gasped. He quickly slammed his head against her forehead. She yelped before falling dead when [M/N] used the gun to kill her quickly. He looked to the wound and winced a bit, moving out of the way of the dead bodies. "I wasn't focused, and I got fucked up-" [M/N] pressed his hand closer, as he looked at the area outside the alleyway. He took a step forwards but stopped when his stomach growls loudly. Right, no lunch or dinner, he basically skipped the end of the day, avoided going home then Maria got word that he left. She found him in the park, tried to lecture him but he shut her down. She gave in before giving him the mission, which he finished.

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