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In Arendell, people were rejoicing the birth of the new princess and heir to the throne, Elsa. Merry music played as people danced in the square.  Everyone was either ignoring the biting cold that came with the winter solstice or were simply unbothered by it.  Unbeknownst to the people below, a mischievous winter spirit was flying above them.  He dove down and wove through the crowd as the wind that followed him nipped at people’s noses and swept flurries of snow around them.  He laughed when he saw children throwing snowballs at a shopkeeper’s door, and with a wave of his hand provided them with more ammunition.  His heart soared at the joy on people’s faces and the lively atmosphere, for even though he was invisible to them, Jack Frost was still a major part of their lives.
In the grandest bedroom in the castle, the cause of all the celebration was sleeping peacefully in her cradle.  Her parents kneeled there, rocking the cradle and gazing down at their sweet little daughter.  Her mother, despite her exhaustion, softly sang a lullaby that told of a river full of memory to soothe the child into slumber. When the song was over, the king and queen went to bed. 
Jack Frost, curious to see the princess, blew a window open just enough for him to slip through.  Unseen by the parents, he stood by the cradle and beheld the baby girl.  She slept deeply, her breathing deep and even, her pale blond hair glowing in the moonlight.  Jack Frost studied her curiously, not seeing anything special about her, as far as princesses go.  As he watched, her tiny hand grasped the edge of her blanket and a thin layer of frost spread across the cloth. 
Jack’s breath caught in his throat as goosebumps shivered up his arms.  He felt his knees weaken and he staggered, leaning on his curved staff to support him.
“You’re like me?” he asked breathlessly as a slow smile grew across his face until he was beaming.  “You’re like me!” he exclaimed softly, remembering only just in time to keep his voice down.  But how? He wondered.  He gazed at the moonlight coming in through the window as he felt the pull to follow the wind to the north.  He glanced back at the sleeping baby in the cradle and silently promised her that he would return.
When he turned his back, the little princess opened her eyes and caught a single glimpse of him before the wind swept him away. 

Frozen Love: a Jelsa StoryWhere stories live. Discover now