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Elsa stood at the edge of the precipice, staring down into the depths of the well of memory, trying to see anything in the pitch-black below her.  She could hear the voices of her grandfather’s memories fading into the deep.  Jack could tell from her face what she was steeling herself to do.
“Please, Elsa, don’t!” he begged desperately.  “Whatever they have to show you, it’s not worth risking your life.  Please, the song was right, you can’t go too far or you’ll drown!”  He grabbed at her hand, but he passed right through her. 
“No!” he cried as she leaped from the edge and fell into the unending darkness.  All he could do was follow her down and stand by her as she learned the truth about Arendell’s past with the Northuldra tribe.  He watched in horror as ice covered her whole body and she froze, empty of breath or life.  In that moment, the mischievous, carefree immortal boy’s spirit was broken.  He fell to his knees beside her and bowed his head.  Around him, there was only darkness and silence, reflecting himself without her. 
It felt like years before Elsa came back to life, but the moment in which she did, the ice beneath them broke and sent them both hurtling into the unforgiving water below.  Jack was too shocked and relieved to reach for his staff before the ice gave way, so he was unable to stop his fall.  Blinking in the deep water around him, he spotted Elsa, glowing brightly, a white light in the darkness.  Nokk the water spirit shot past him and Elsa grabbed onto the horse’s mane and was whisked away, but not before her eyes fell on Jack for the briefest of moments.
Once he had recovered his staff and reached the surface, he tried to convince himself that she couldn’t have seen him, not really.  He had been so desperate for her to see him that he’d just imagined it.  Still, he stayed at a distance, hidden in the trees as she saved Arendell from a massive flood and had a tearful reunion with Anna and the rest of her family.  He had no place with them anymore, if he ever had before.  He felt that he should leave, but a voice in his head told him that he couldn’t leave without knowing whether Elsa could see him. 

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