6 - Failure

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Ev had watched it all. He was the one who noticed Junior first. He was side by side with Knot when he was crushed. He was pretty sure he was the only one who saw Bite and Burst crushed, but he couldn't ask the others - he had seen Camm and Fluke eaten with her meal, and saw Spider and Cable enter her mouth as she was asleep. He was the last one - he had to try to find a way to contact her.

He climbed up he hair as she was asleep. She brushed her hair withe her hands, knocking him back onto the bed, and got up.

He climbed up her boot, and was thrown off quickly. 

He climbed onto her food, despite what happened to Camm and Fluke, but was dropped off back onto her now empty plate. 

A week had passed of him trying to alert her of his presence.

For the last attempt, he scaled another tall crate. It was dusty, and the droids were forcing her to clean the place. His still semi-shiny white armor should catch her eye, right?

Within ten seconds, her hand brushed off all the dust. Ev was sent flying off the edge and landed on the ground with a sickening crunch.

He was dead.

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