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A/N: Avi's girlfriend is not real or based on any of his exes. She's totally fictional!

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The tour began from Orlando and the band had packed their packs and moved into their moving home for the next few weeks. The first concert was due in three days which meant they had time to travel to Florida and go through choreography, sound check and other technical stuff in peace.

Kirstie, who had claimed the middle bunk again, had climbed into her bed and was laying on her back with her eyes closed. She listened as others were getting settled, rolling in their large luggage to the bus and bringing in the last of their snacks for the road. She heard Esther say something just out of her reach and a low, bass voice reply. Her heart jumped a bit.

The Kaplan siblings had clearly arrived, on time for once, probably no thanks to Avi.

The thoughts and worry about Avi had been on her mind constantly during the past few days. Ever since she had spoken to him the other day, the floodgates were now open once again and she found herself wondering if he was alright. She knew she wanted to be there for him, whatever he was going through, but it was easier said than done. They weren't on speaking terms really, let alone confronting the other about any deeper subjects? Nope. That wasn't about to happen anytime soon. But that didn't mean she didn't desperatly want to comfort him somehow. She could see he was struggling and it was killing her not to grab his hand or wrap her arms around him. She knew he appreciated the closeness, or at least used to, and found comfort in it. She wouldn't know now. Besides, she was sure Laurel could give him comfort if he were to want it.

Groaning at the thought, she rolled out of her bunk and landed on her feet. Esther was telling a story about something funny outside, judging by Kevin's hysteric laughter that could be heard all the way into the tour bus.

Kirstie decided to join her friends outside and saw the whole group in a small circle around Esther's phone. Kevin was pointing at it and laughing, patting a hand on Avi's shoulder who didn't seem as withdrawn today, but she could see clearly that he was uncomfortable.

Wanting to know what they were laughing about, she approached the group. "What's funny?"

"Guess who I found on my couch this morning", Esther snickered and showed her phone up to her.

There was a picture of Avi indeed laying on Esther's couch. He was wearing a leather coat and his shoes which was odd to her since he was usually very comfort-seeking when it came to sleeping arrangements. His hair was wildly spread around his head and his arms were crossed. She smiled and looked up at the man in the photo, who was already looking at her closely, studying her.

Suddenly not coming up with anything to say, she averted her eyes to Kevin, who was still clapping with a beaming smile on his face.

"Oh man, sleep wars continues!" he chuckled. "I can't wait for the content from this tour! Why were you on her couch anyway, I thought you were at Laurel's still?"

Avi fidgeted on his feet, not meeting anyone's gaze as their eyes were on him, waiting for an answer.

"I did, but I couldn't sleep because uh- traffic was so loud, so I decided to go out for a walk. You know, just to wander around. I forgot the key so I locked myself out. I didn't wanna wake her so I came over to Esther and Darien's place" he said sheepishly, giving them a tight smile.

"Went to a walk with a suitcase, he says,", Esther murmured and Kevin burst out laughing again.

She seemed to be the only one who, besides the man in the picture, didn't find the story that funny. The fact that Avi had left Laurel's with his luggage didn't make sense if he had tried to come back after the walk, and since Esther hadn't woken up from Avi's arrival, he must of had his keys. Or maybe she was overanalyzing the situation.

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