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A/N: I apologize for the large amount of swearing. You'll see why I had to do that when you get there.

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The first few days on tour went by in a blur for Kirstie. Pentatonix was trending on twitter and they were all having the best time. Orlando, St. Louis and Kansas City had been amazing for them and next they would go to Las Vegas. Their schedule was hectic as they spent the days and nights in rehearsal and shows, and the leftover free time mostly eating or sleeping.

They had all agreed to crash on a nearby hotel to sleep on actual beds for the time they stayed in Vegas. Kirstie's back ached from sleeping in her tight, not-so-comfortable bunk for several nights in a row and could only imagine what the guys bigger than her felt like. It was cramped to say the least.

Avi had been more present with them and had actually joined their conversations more, for everyone's pleasant surprise. No one said anything about it though, just let it be what it was. Kirstie, for one, was really happy about it. She and Avi hadn't had a one-on-one -conversation after that night in his bunk on the road but he had actually made eye contact and smiled at the jokes she made.

All was good, Kirstie had thought, until the night before the Vegas performance. After the group had retired to their hotel rooms, Avi had called them up to his and Kevin's room, and asked to drop 'Let's get it on' chair girl act from their tour schedule.

To say that they were confused, was an understatement.

"What do you mean 'you don't want to do it?'" Mitch asked, clearly dumbfounded by their friend's request.

"You love that act!" Scott added.

"And the fans love it!" Kevin frowned.

Kirstie sat quietly and stared at Avi, thinking. He did love the chair girl act. They all did. They always laughed their asses off doing it and seeing the fans' reactions. Why Avi wouldn't want to do it, when they had done it as usual at the other three concerts before Vegas, was weird. She had a bad feeling about this.

"I just don't think it's-" Avi said, avoiding their eyes, "I don't feel comfortable doing it."

"What the fuck, Avriel?" Scott shook his head and began to pace the room. Avriel. Oh shit. "You love that act. It was your idea in the first place. You wanted to do the body rolls! That's like your thing!" Scott reasoned, face full of annoyance and confusion.

"Hips don't lie," Mitch snickered to himself and Kirstie shot him a look. Not the right time, Mitchell.

"That was a long time ago," Avi sighed, pinching his nose and effectively ignoring Mitch's comment.

The tenor leaned forward, more serious now. "You did it just fine two days ago. In fact, you were laughing during the whole thing! What changed between then and now?" He had a point.

"I know, I just..." Avi trailed off, suddenly looking at Kirstie. "I don't what to tell you."

Kirstie searched his eyes. "Laurel's coming tomorrow for the show," she murmured.

He looked at her, blinking. His eyes were desperate, begging her to understand something. Her mind was racing, trying to find the answer.

"And?" Kevin looked between them.

Mitch gave a laugh. "Don't tell me she's being a bitch about it. You wouldn't change the act because of her, do you?"

"That's insane, Avi. We're not going to drop the fan favorite because Laurel's jealous," Scott scoffed.

"She's making it really hard for us to tolerate her," Mitch snickered quietly to Scott who elbowed him in turn.

Avi took a shuddering breath, gaze shifting around the room without focusing on anything. He stood with crossed arms in a defensive pose, shifting his weight from one foot to another.

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