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The group had a day off in Kansas. Deciding to go sightseeing and shopping, Mitch dragged them through various clothing stores and made them find something to wear for the next show. It was actually quite fun to watch Kevin try on some of Mitch's picks and Scott trying to walk on heels, and Kirstie found that she was actually enjoying herself. Not once did she think about stupid Jeremy or Avi and his sad, green eyes.

After three hours, she bought a blue dress reaching her mid-tights, with pockets, Kevin settled for a black jacket, Scott found a pair of leather pants and Mitch fell in love with a white, shining turtleneck. Everyone were starting to get hungry and were only waiting for Avi to get something. Kevin and Scott went ahead to pick up some lunch on the go and that had left her with Mitch and Avi.

"I don't know, it looks kinda funny on me", Avi's voice rang from behind the fitting room curtain.

Mitch had given up on him a while back and was now acting as his personal stylist. Avi had tried on every piece of clothing Mitch had brought him but hadn't been pleased with anything. Kirstie thought he had looked quite good in a dark green coat Mitch had suggested earlier.

"Nope, you've already used that excuse," Mitch quipped and clapped his hands together in excitement. "Come on out, pretty boy!"

Reluctantly, Avi pulled the curtain back and shot the smaller man an uncomfortable smile. "See? It does not look good."

"What? No, that's so good!" Mitch raised an eyebrow, "You need to wash those eyeballs and look at the mirror again."

He was right. Avi looked amazing in the dark blue squared button up shirt, the color matching her new dress. He had rolled the sleeves up to his elbows and it hugged his shoulders and biceps from the right places. It just had an Avi-vibe to it. With his hair tied in a low man-bun, Kirstie found him quite attractive.

Who was she kidding? He definitely looked really attractive.

Avi sighed and turned to the mirror again. "I look like a lumberjack."

Mitch only pulled out his phone to take a picture. "And why exactly is that a bad thing?"

"I-" he started but fell silent, examing his reflection in the mirror before looking back at her and Mitch. "I don't know. Some people just think that it's not really... suiting for me?"

"Since when do you care what 'some people' think about your style?" Mitch asked. "Lumberjack suits you perfectly and you know it. They're like your fashion icons."

"It looks good," Kirstie smiled. Avi blushed, brushing away a few wrinkles on the shirt and turned back to his reflection. It was adorable-

But Mitch was right. Avi usually didn't care about other people's opinions pretty much about anything. If someone had said he looked bad in certain clothes, she wanted to know why and more importantly who.

"Are you sure? I don't wanna be the one to make the whole group look bad on stage," Avi looked at her through the mirror. "They will be filming it, you know."

Kirstie let out a small laugh. "Of course I am! I think you're the one who's making us look good."

"Excuse me?" Mitch gasped, placing a hand on his chest dramatically.

She rolled her eyes. "Along with you, Mitch."

"I know, Kit Kat."

Avi smiled at the two of them briefly before letting out a deep breath. "Okay. I trust you guys."

"Okay then, it's settled!" Mitch clapped his hands together and pushed Avi back into the fitting room. "Hurry up and change because I'm starving."

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