iv | going home

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1947 New York City

Steve stood behind a dumpster in a Brooklyn alley, quickly, he buttoned his shirt and tied his tie. The red stripes of his suit he arrived in were still visable before he placed a boot on top and zipped the bag. Patting himseld down to make sure everything is right, he pulled his phone from his pocket, and unzipped the bag again before placing the phone in his boot.

Steve poked his head out before stepping out onto the street , and kept his head down as he walked. How could he explain where he had been? Two years. It had not been long for people here, but for him it was over a decade. Would they notice he looked older? A few ideas floated around in his head before he nearly ran into your muse. There was no questioning that they knew who he was.

"Oh - sorry, didn't see you there." Steve tried to side step them and hoped they'd just keep walking.

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