Firing range

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Li Jun loaded the fresh magazine on his AK-47 and locked the safety to semi burst. He took at second to rearrange himself for proper posture and sucked a deep breath.

Li Jun held his breath in and focused his eyes on his target pressing the trigger with careful touch. Any wrong move or elements getting in the way even the slightest could cause the bullet to stray off its path.

Li Jun knows this, he's been handling guns for as long as he could remember.

The riffle burst out simultaneously firing three bullets at a time, ramming the recoil pad on his shoulder repeatedly the point where it became raw and sore. He's definitely going to feel the pain tomorrow.

He'd been doing this all day that his eyes had become blurry and strained from focusing on the same dotted target all day. He's been seeing dots everywhere, wiping his tears from his dried eyes with his handkerchief every now and then.

He pointed the barrel down to the ground once his magazine is empty and did it all over again for another round.

This is a form of stress relief, Li Jun likes to visit his private firing range located in an isolated place on the outskirts of the city. No one knows about this. This place is registered as an empty lot and the building doesn't exist according to public records. No one ever comes to inspect or question him about it, he'd purchased the land and registered it under a pseudo name that couldn't be traced back to him.

Him and his men use this place for firing practice. He spends quite a lot of time here when he's not busy running his business and even more so lately since his other hobby (womanizing) has long been behind him.

"Great shot boss." Sounded Li Er beside him.

Li Jun stepped back behind the safety line, freeing his ears from the noise cancelling ear protector. He can still hear a subtle ringing in his ears when he leaned over so he may hear better.

"What's that?!" He yelled.

"I said great shot, boss!" Li Er repeated loudly.

"Thanks." He said, he meant the conversation to be short. He doesn't typically fraternize with people on his payroll. It's bad for his reputation and he has a reputation to protect.

He's well aware of Li Er. He has accounts of Li Er's corruption, crimes, families, properties, affairs, etc. He's a descent ranking law enforcement who had been trying his hardest to warm up to Li Jun for a long now. He wants to get promoted and he knows Li Jun has the power to make it happen.

"What is it Li Er?" Li Jun took his eye protection off and started disentangling the harness, magazine sleeve, and other foreign objects strapped on him.

"I have something to tell you, boss." There's an eagerness in Li Er's voice that caught Li Jun's interest.

"State your business quickly, I have other places I need to be."

"Yeah, remember Lou?" His eyes glimmered.

Lou is the man who stole millions from Li Jun years ago. Lou's terrified screams ran fresh in his mind bringing him back to the days when he tortured him. "What about Lou?"

Lou has been indisposed deep in the river 800 hundred kilometers from his warehouse. No one is going to tie the crime scene back to him.

"We found out what he did to the money."

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