Unresolved Anger

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Shin was at lost with what to say. 

He stared at Lin with genuine confussion behind his flustered eyes. How did a rare moment like emotionally opening up to Lin turned into a yelling contest about her? It wasn't even what he was upset about in the first place. He almost got raped by an older woman the night before and yet....

Shin's mouth trembled unsteady, he gathered a large inhale keeping himself checked. No one seems to understand or care enough what he's going thru.

"Are you serious?" He asked, his voice thinned. "I openned up to you about my feelings and you're going to throw it right back at me?!"

Lin now wished she hadn't came and checked up on him in this room. His temper tends to flare when he's in the bad mood. She's known that about him ever since they were little. "You act like you're the only one who suffered! I never had a choice! Li Jun was never going to let the two of us happen!"

This made him even madder. His father's standards. How was he not allowed to have the girl when Li Jun can openly snatched her up for himself?

His eyes narrowed. "I don't even know why are we arguing. You are not girlfriend! We haven't been together in four years and yet, you're bringing shit up from years ago that doesn't even bother me anymore. Did you even listen to what I said?" He staggered for words to say. "I'm going through so much shit right now and yet, we're here in my room yelling at each other about things that I don't give a shit about anymore!"

Lin was breathing fast by now, sucking air she couldn't circulate fast enough with her panting breaths. Her heart beating angrily on her chest and the tears threatening to come up stung her eyes. She is desperately trying to hold herself back from crying but there's not a thing she could do. She was angry, angry at Shin for hurting her feelings. 

He may not care about what happened anymore or so he said, but it still left her scarred back when it happened. "Then why bring it up? Why say I easily moved on when I didn't! You spoke of it so casually that you made it looked like I didn't care!" She huffed a breath. "I did!"


Writer's Note: these two just needs to get their unresolved anger off their chest.

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