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The restaurant is lavish establishment located in an upscale place downtown. Shin has been there before, his father often took him there on lunches when he was younger and he had taken Janet there as well on dinner dates. 

It is a reservation only restaurant but Rosemarie Chan doesn't need a reservation on a place like this, the manager knew her and she has a reserved vip suite for whenever she comes around. 

This way, "Mrs. Chan." Greeted the host as she led them to their table. 

Rosemarie straightened her spine into a perfect posture and walked up to her table. She made sure she walked in front of every one having everybody fall three steps behind. Shin learned this as soon as he started working for her and the staff at the restaurant knew to trail behind her whenever she arrives.

The waiter pull the chair for her to sit down, the first thing she did was order their finest wine, her regular. Except she asked for the entire bottle for Shin and her this time.

She smiled at Shin. Shin returned her gesture smiling back at her. He's not much of a drinker, in fact, he doesn't like alcohol. Shin is the kind of person who likes to take care of himself and his appearance taking time to use their home gym to work out all the time. 

"So Shin," Rosemarie began. "I supposed you're gonna have to carry me back to my place once I'm too drunk to walk after tonigh."

He gave it a thought. Surely, a single bottle of alcohol is not enough to get her that drunk. He'd been around Li Jun enough to know it takes a lot of hard alcohol to knock out a drunk. 

He cleared his throat. "Don't you have a cheuffer?" It's hard to believe someone as rich as her doesn't have anyone to drive her home.

She tossed her head and laughed. "I do, but I'd rather have you take me up to my bed tonight."

He cringed inside his head. No, he doesn't find Rosemarie unattractive or old, he simply does not enjoy a strong woman like her, no matter how confident and in control she present herself to be. 

Besides, it's hard to believe someone like her couldn't get laid, she's a very wealthy woman, attractive also. She could pay an escort service to send the hottest men she wants. So what does a cougar like her wants to do with him?

Shin is beyond himself. 

"If you ever wind up too drunk, I'll take it upon myself to take you home tonight." He answered politely.

"Good boy!" She purred, that was exactly the answer she's looking for. 

The wine soon arrived at their table. The waiter poured her a glass. Rosemarie picked it up and placed it before her red lips. "I'll take you up to that."

Shin fought to control his face from going sour. It would be rude to make faces. He waved the waiter as soon as he's done filling his glass with wine and did as much as stared at it. He wanted nothing to do with the alcohol. 

Rosemarie leaned in taking note of his refusal which she found very odd. What kind of young man doesn't enjoy alcohol? "Drink it, you wouldn't want an expensive glass of wine go to waste, don't you?"

"No, I don't. " His lips thinned, he didn't mean what he said but picked up the chalice anyway and took a sip of it. The alcohol tasted bitter on his mouth. 

"Oho, I see you're not a drinker." Rosemarie commented.

Shin put down the glass and licked his lips. "No, not usually." He's rather drink his protein shakes if he's being honest. 

"Then I guess we have some training to do." She purred. Rosemarie pickep up the glass herself and placed it on his lips. She tipped the glass and made Shin open his mouth. "Drink up, I want you drunk by tonight."


Writer's note: Someone blow a rape whistle on this woman!

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