Chapter Four

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Even though my mind was occupied with the new information of a filthy Lovebug, I tried to focus on the evening at hand. I was drawn back from my daydream by Hobi shouting at Jimin to calm his shit. Jimin had his glass raised, ready to throw its contents at a squared-up Yoongi. The fuck are these two bickering about now?!

'Right! If you two don't quit it, I'm pouring the whole bottle of bourbon on BOTH of your heads. QUIT IT.'

They both turned to look at me, their facades immediately dropping and looking instead like scolded school children. I rarely raised my voice at them, but I just wanted one night to relax without having to peel them off each other.

'I need a shot before I shoot something or SOMEONE else,' Jimin huffed as he headed to the kitchen.

'Think I need one aswell,'  Hobi mumbled. He looked as irritated as I did.

'I know! Why don't we play a drinking game? A little bit of truth or drink to catch us up on any other shit we've had going on? Yeah?' I looked around the boys hopeful, seeing them all look at each other.

'Yeah, that sounds good! Jimin, get us all a shot glass.' Hobi beamed.

'Don't you mean truth or dare?' Yoongi asked, relaxing a little as he rested him elbows on his knees.

'I don't trust you two to behave with dares,' I said, side eyeing Jimin as he returned with four shot glasses and a bottle of tequila, earning a look of disgust from Hobi.

'Instead, we are all asked a question, and you either answer it as honestly as you can, or you take a shot. Easy.' I said with a shrug.

'This sounds fun, I can't wait to learn all your dirty little secrets!'

'Jimin, you are not using anything that is said as fuel against us, do you hear me!'  Hobi whined. He knew Jimin all too well, but I was determined to have fun tonight, so laughing over each other's embarrassing secrets was worth the possible weapon they may become for Jimin.

With the shots all set up in front of each of us, Jimin took to searching on his phone for possible questions. He scrolled for thirty seconds before smiling, clearly happy with the selection he had found.

'Ok, these are going to be both vanilla as well as some riskier ones.'

We all nodded in acceptance, all comfortably sitting forward, in reach of our waiting shots.

'We can all spitball our own questions as well if you think of any good once, yeah?'

'Sounds good to me. First quest-i-on! When was the last time you had sex?'

'Oh, that's an easy one, two weeks ago.' Hobi piped up.

'Wait, with who?'

'The question was when, not the details involved!'

Jimin rolled his eyes at Hobi's weird elusiveness, turning to Yoongi, waiting for his answer. He sighed, looking bored with the game already after only one question.

'Like three weeks ago. It was just a random hook up at a work's event. She was hot and I was horny, haven't spoken to her since.'

'How very bad boy of you, Yoongs. Well, mine was this morning, I went to Jungkook's to drop off his hoodie he'd left at mine and just became glued to each other for a few hours.' He bragged, a smug smile blatant on his face.

'Shocker! We're all so surprised!' I said sarcastically, gaining a chuckle from Yoongi and a sharp tongue stuck out at me from Jimin.

'Here's one, when did you lose your virginity?'

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