Chapter Twenty Seven

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Bugz POV

'I don't know what you're talking about! I'm an angel.'

Even though her voice was dripping with so much sweetness, I could tell she was forcing it through a smug grin.

'Yeah, and so was Lucifer.' I snapped back, my voice coming out huskier than normal. Her teasing had hit me harder than I'd expected it to. Even her simple suggestion of how sweet she might taste sent my mind into a spiral, creating scenarios of how delicious her voice would sound moaning my name as I tasted her. It was extremely hard to ignore.

'Are you comparing me to the devil now?' She mocked with a giggle.

'Closest you are to an angel, that's for sure. Maybe Lilith is better suiting.'

'I don't know where you're getting that from, like I said, I'm an innocent little angel.'

'Angel maybe, but innocent certainly fucking not.' I scoffed at her. We both knew this was all just a little act to wind me up that much further, and it was working. I could feel my arousal building against my thigh, making me fidget in my seat. It was embarrassing how easily this simple conversation was turning me on. I make a smut ASMR for fucks sake! Calm your shit.

'I don't hear you complaining...'

I could hear how she was holding back a snigger. She was slowly wrapping me around her little finger and honestly, I wasn't going to resist. I really should with all things considering, but there was just something about her that put me into some form of blissful trance, wanting nothing more than to hear that evil giggle and teasing words. But it wasn't only for this side of her that I was weak to; even just her sarcastic comments and stories about her day brought me back to her again and again. I didn't care to admit how weak I already was for her, neither to myself and especially not to her. This was only the first real flirtatious encounter we'd had and I was loving it already. It was almost like I had been subconsciously hungry for it, and now that I was finally getting a taste, it just made me greedy for more.

I really shouldn't be entertaining this....but fuck it.

'Isn't it obvious by now that innocent isn't really my thing? I mean, I do make smut for a living.'

'That is true-'

'Smut I know you particularly enjoy...' I smirked, trying my hardest to deflect and fight off the thought of her reactions to my content. That was too dangerous of an idea for me to entertain right now.

' comment.'

I had to chuckle at her sudden coyness, it was just too easy to bring out. It seemed like I'd caught her out at her own game, and that was power I revelled in.

'No need to Angel, I already know you do. But I am curious about what parts you like in particular? If there's any sweet spots I may have hit...' I hummed, loving the almost silence coming through the line, save for her partially heavy breathing. The tables were turning in my favour it seemed.

'I'm guessing since you've listened to all my audios, you're very much a daddy type of girl, correct?'

'Who says I've listened to all of them?' I could almost hear the pout in her poor attempt at a rebuttal. Adorable.

'Are you saying you haven't?' I asked.

The lack of her response was just a sign that I was right, yet again. I couldn't help the dark chuckle at her.

'So you like being daddy's Angel then, hmm?'

No response.

'Do you like being daddy's good girl...or do you prefer being called his dirty little slut?'

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