Chapter Thirty Four

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The whole way through my meal with Jin, I found myself fighting against my impatience. I didn't tell him about the hint that Bugz had given me, since I knew he would want to listen to whatever it was with me. No, this was something I knew Bugz wanted to enjoy on my own, and I was planning on doing just that. My mind was buzzing with the ideas of what it could be, so I found it incredible hard to keep that excitement from Jin. We'd decided that after dinner, we were going to watch a film, and I had to act natural throughout the whole thing. But I was happy with the distractions that Jin was supplying me with. The closest we got to talking about Bugz was when Jin began to gush over how adorable the Buggie birthday video had been, voicing his pangs of jealous for it. We'd both had a scroll through the comment section of the video, giggling to ourselves whilst we read the theories on whether the use of the new nickname and the random birthday topic was directed to someone or not. The results were mixed; a common theory of the naysayers was that the nickname was a result of him trying something new in an attempts to keep his content fresh, and the subject matter was just something cute for fans to listen to on their own birthdays. If only they knew. I had my suspicions about what the next gift might have been, and if I was right, it was another audio. I was sure that if the next content Bugz was teasing me with contained my pet name again, it would cause mayhem throughout the fan base. My excitement for it was palpable, especially as I could see Jin's eyelids fluttering shut as we came to the end of the film.

'Jinnie go to bed, you're obviously tired!' I pleaded with him.

'But it's your birthday,' he whined whilst fighting against a yawn.

'It is, and my birthday wish is for you to go to bed, and leave me to have some alone time for the rest of the night!'

'Time to talk to Bugz you mean?' he smirked after smacking his lips together, wiggling his eyebrows with a long stretch.

'Go to bed before I knock you out myself,' I threatened him playfully.

With another yawn, he gave in, giving me a goodnight peck on the cheek before retreating to my room. I practically pounced on my phone, impatient to message Bugz and find out what he had in store for me.


: Me

Hey, sorry it's so late, my friend has gone to sleep –

Bugzie🖤 :

- They're staying over?

: Me

Yeah, he didn't want me to be alone today

Bugzie🖤 :

- He?

: Me

Yes, he –

Is that jealousy I'm detecting? –

Bugzie🖤 :

- No...

: Me

Sure... -

Well, he is gay and fast asleep, so you have no need to be –

Bugzie🖤 :

- I wasn't...much

- But I hope you've had a good day with him

- And I hope my next gift makes it a little better

: Me

What is it? –

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